Chapter Thirty-Two: Reception

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Everyone was now leaving the reception, except for the Avengers. They all decided to stick around and finish the party together. I had changed out of my dress, and was in a comfortable pair of jeans and tank top with a jacket. Steve was in a similar outfit to mine, both of us not enjoying being all dressed up. Neither of us had left each others side the entire night. 

We were dancing to one of the final songs on the playlist, he was spinning me around, dipping me. I laughed as he held me tight, the two of us just having fun. I winced a little as the still healing scar on my abdomen started to burn, Steve instantly pulled me up. 

"I'm sorry, you still need to let that heal," he said to me, wrapping me tightly in his arms. 

"I'm fine, don't worry about me okay?" I told him, giving my most convincing smile. 

"Fine, fine. But, only for you Mrs. Rogers," he told me, grinning ear from ear. I couldn't help but let out a giggle, that wasn't going to get old anytime soon.

"May I cut in?" Tony asked Steve, holding out his hand. I gave Steve a nod, as he kissed me on the cheek. Walking away, I watched as he asked Natasha to dance with him. I grabbed Tony's hand, letting him lead me around.

"You know I never got to tell you I was sorry," Tony said to me, his eyes not quite meeting mine. 

"I think the thirty fruit baskets you sent let me hear the message loud and clear Tony," I told him laughing. I had forgiven him as soon as I heard the words sorry leave his mouth, after all what did he have to be sorry for? 

"I feel bad. I am surprised Rogers let me dance with you, I doubt he will ever trust me around you again. I barely got you back alive you know," Tony said, I could still see all the regret in his eyes.

"Well how could I forget that? Besides Tony it wasn't your fault. I chose to go up there and I chose to help the team. I knew the risks, just like everyone else," I told him. But I knew there was more to this than him feeling guilty about me. There was guilt written all over his face and I knew it was more than just an injured team mate. I could see the affects of this battle weighing in him, as it did all of us. 

"You know I'm sure others will forgive you too," I told him, looking around the room. Tony looked taken aback for a second, shocked that I was able to read past his apologizes. "They forgave me, and I tried to kill my husband."

"I'm not worried-" Tony started, but I cut him off.

"You don't have to justify anything with me. I have my own share of guilts and regrets," I told him, the two of us barely swaying now. 

Before Tony could utter anything else the music stopped and Steve was over by my side once more. Cutting the conversation between Tony and I. He put on a smile when Steve walked over, masking any of the raw emotions he was previously showing. 

"You got lucky Rogers," Tony said, laughing as he shook Steve's hand. 

"Thank you Tony," Steve replied, smiling at him as well. 

"I must be going. Lot's of things to get done," Tony said quickly, before quickly exiting the party. 

Steve gave me a look, and I told him I would explain everything later. I knew there were plenty of questions he had. 

The other Avengers came over and said their congratulations, each one different than the last. They all fit with each of their personalities. 

Finally, it was Steve and I were the only two left in the room. 

"Well Mr. Rogers, what would you liked to do next?" I asked him. 

There was no answer, only him picking me up bridal style and taking me outside to his motorcycle, where Natasha and Clint attached cans with a sign saying just married. 

I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist, feeling happier than ever. We drove off into the night, and enjoyed our honeymoon. 

Then the rest of our adventure continued. But now, we would do so side by side, forever. 

~A/N Okay everyone this was sort of a filler chapter! It is setting up the last chapter! So this book is almost completed. As always please leave a vote or comment if you enjoyed it!

Btw would any of you read a Robb Stark story?

Also are you excited for the fourth book of this series?~

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