Chapter Thirteen: Safe House

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I quickly made my way over to the ship, Steve never releasing my hand. I didn't have the heart to tell him we could move quicker without it, but he had truly seen something bad. Something I wasn't going to pressure him about, I knew he would tell me when he was ready.

I felt guilty over all this, I should have stayed and helped him. I stupidly went to look for the girl, Wanda, and when I was gone she snuck off and got ahold of four members. Both Clint and I were able to stop her. He stuck an electric shocker to her forehead, and I forced her back into the wall.

If it wasn't for brother, who came speeding in, she would've have been taken on this ship with us.

The ship was extremely quiet the entire ride back, Steve would hardly let me out of his sight. Natasha, Thor, and Bruce were all curled on different sides of the jet. Everyone looking very shook up.

"Morgan, a word?" Tony said, motioning for me to join him at the monitor where I could see Maria's face.

"I'll be right back okay?" I told Steve, he nodded without a word, but I felt his eyes on me the entire time.

"The news is loving you guys. Nobody else is. There's been no official call for Banner's arrest, but it's in the air," she informed us, there was zero empathy in her words. 

Tony and I exchanged a look, neither of us knowing what to do. I felt extremely helpless.

"Stark Relief Foundation?" Tony asked her.

"Already on the scene," she answered him. "How's the team?"

"Not good," I told her solemnly as I glanced over towards Steve.

"Everyone's.. we took a hit. We'll shake it off," Tony told her, I nodded along with him. Even though we didn't see eye to eye we both saw this team as family, even if neither of us wanted to admit to that. 

"Well for now I'd stay in stealth mode, and stay away from here," Maria advised us.

"So we should what? Run and hide?" I asked her, my blood starting to boil. I didn't want them to just get away with what they had done to the team. 

"I agree with her, for once. They can't just get away with this," Tony said, glaring at the monitor.

"Until we can find Ultron, I don't have a lot else to offer," she told us before ending the call. The screen went black and I stared at it for a moment before turning to Tony.

"Neither do we," Tony said to me.

"I wish there was something I could do, I have tried going in their minds. I tried erasing what has happened but it's all to muddled for me to do anything," I told Tony, looking at the ground. "Besides no-one likes me inside their mind, and if I erase it I feel like that would just do more damage. Would you want it taken away?" 

"I know you want to help, but erasing everything won't solve the problem. They're tough. Don't beat yourself up," he said, comforting me. He then turned to Barton who was driving the jet. "Hey, you wanna switch out?"

"No, I'm good. If you wanna get some kip, now's a good time, cause we're still a few hours out," Clint told us, his eyes meeting mine for a moment. I turned around and left before anything else could be said.

I walked over to Steve, who had kept his eyes on me the entire time. I sat down beside him, crossing my legs, facing him.

"Do you want to talk about it now?" I asked him, my eyes searching for answers. I wasn't going to press the matter if he still didn't want to say anything.

He shook his head no, but pulled me into him. Wrapping his arms tightly around me. Whatever he saw, it must've done a number on him. He hasn't wanted me out of his reach ever since I found him out there.

I must have fallen asleep because someone was jostling me awake. I opened my eyes to see Steve asleep as well. I looked up to see Natasha staring down at us.

"We landed," she said shortly, she still looked slightly shaken up, but I knew she would just shut everything out. It was her style of dealing with things.

I shook Steve, trying to wake him. He opened his eyes quickly, and it took him a moment to remember where he was. His eyes looked around startled before focusing in on me. 

"You alright?" I asked him, starting to get more worried.

"I'm fine," he said to me, obviously not wanting to go into details. We both stood up and walked towards the front of the plane. In front of us was a large piece of land and in the middle of it was a huge farmhouse.

"What is this place?" Thor asked Clint.

"A safe house?" Tony asked him next. They obviously had never seen the place, and were wondering how Clint knew about something they didn't.

"Let's hope," Clint muttered in response before walking off the plane.

We all followed suit, no-one speaking as we made our way inside the house. There were toys scattered all over the living room we had all just walked into.

"Honey, I'm home," Clint called out. There was no response at first, but then a woman who was extremely pregnant walked out. She must be Clint's wife.

I could feel my face heat up as I remember just how out of the loop I was.

"Hi. Company. Sorry I didn't call ahead," he apologized to her as he kissed her on the cheek. She stared around the room at all of us, we probably looked ridiculous as most of us were still in out 'super' outfits.

"Hey," she said smiling around at all of us now.

"This is an agent of some kind," Tony said, staring around the room for any sign of this being a SHIELD thing.

Too bad it wasn't. 

~Hey everyone so sorry for being absent lately, college just started up so it was for a good reason I promise! So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will hopefully be able to update soon. 

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What do you think will happen between Morgan and Clint? Will Steve tell her about his dream? And what will it mean for them?~

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