Chapter Twenty-Nine: A Deadly Choice

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"We got one shot at this," Tony reminded me, obviously not wanting me to forget how important this was. As if I didn't already know this.

"Thor I'm gonna need you back in the church. It's go time. Morgan and I are almost in position," Tony informed Thor. He was flying carefully, trying not to let me fall. This wasn't the most practical form of transportation, but I can't fly and they needed my help.

"You know if this works, we maybe don't walk away," Tony told Thor and I.

"Maybe we don't," I told them, realizing what I had signed up for ever since saying yes to Fury in that coffee shop.

We flew up to the center of the floating Sokovia.

"Hold on," Tony said to me, as he laid horizontal, chest up to the core.

I repositioned myself holding onto Tony's shoulders, thank goodness I focused on my upper body strength.

"Thor on my mark, Morgan get ready," Tony said to the two of us. The three of us really needed to work in sync with each other.

"Now!" Tony yelled, but before we were ready the entire Sokovia fell down. Tony jerked back, catching himself, grabbing the sides of the land.

My hand slipped, but I was able to grip on with my other one. Barely keeping my balance.

Tony then blasted his chest piece into the core, I couldn't see Thor but I felt the impact of his work. I knew he had done what he was supposed to, slamming his hammer into the machine Ultron had produced.

The impact was great, but Tony hoisted me up now, letting me do my work. I used as much of my powers as I could. I held together as much of both Thor and Tony's impacts onto the core, letting it destroy it as much as possible.

Then I could feel my powers draining, but I forced even harder, I felt a familiar liquid drip down my nose. I knew it was blood and I was pushing too hard. But, I wouldn't give up.

There was one final blast and the entire thing blew up, pushing aside my force field and sending me flying off of Tony.

"Morgan!" I heard him scream as he flew towards me. There was metal flying all around me, and I was plummeting towards the water. I was too drained to teleport next to him, I tried countless times, only moving up mere inches. Slowing down my fall, but I wasn't getting anywhere.

I reached out my hands as I saw Tony flying towards me, but as I thought I would be out of the clear I felt something pierce me in my midsection. I let out a gasp, and could feel myself go completely limp.

Tony grabbed me right before I hit the water, and flew us both away.

"Don't close your eyes Morgan! I'm going to take you to Steve okay?" Tony said to me, trying to keep my eyes open. "We will make it."

I could hear his voice going desperate, there was so much pleading in it.

"I never knew you cared so much Stark," I muttered back, coughing as I talked. I could feel stuff dribbling down my chin. Then I saw horror cross over Tony's features, his Iron Man mask was lifted. I could feel myself grow more anxious as he tried masking his previous emotions. This wasn't good.

Tony saw my clear anxiety, trying to cover the fact that I was no coughing up blood.

"Trust me, we will get out of this. The lifeboats are right there. Just hold on. Rogers will kick my ass if you don't okay?" Tony said with a laugh, a laugh that was so forced it almost hurt me.

I could feel my eyelids grow heavier as the air around me started to grow less thick, probably about to land soon.

Then I felt Tony land with a loud thud, then I was transferred quickly into another pair of arms. These were familiar ones, strong and steady. Different than the cold metal of Tony's embrace.

"What happened Stark?" I could hear Steve yell. My eyes were closed tight, I tried opening them but they seemed to weigh thousands. I wanted to scream at him, tell him I would be okay. That all of this would be okay. Even though I didn't know it would be. But I didn't get to hear Starks answer. We started moving and we were moving fast. 

I could feel as we were moving quickly, trying to get me to safety. I was placed on a bed, but I wanted nothing more than to be back in Steve's arms. 

"She was thrown off, then when she was falling, it uh.." Tony started, his voice breaking. I could tell he was desperately trying to get Steve to understand. 

"What happened? You said she would be safe!" Steve shouted, his anger ringing out in his voice.

"It was the debris," Tony said, his voice sounded lost.

"I can see that!" Steve yelled back, there must be metal still in me. I could still feel the fire burning where it was settled in my midsection.

Then I felt someone yank the metal out of my side. I screamed as loud as I could. No longer able to see or hear anyone else. The fire was burning in my stomach now. It was setting my entire body on fire. The entire world seemed so far away, it was only me and pain.

I wanted to scream for them to take me out my misery. The pain was getting too much. I could no longer hear their voices. They were so far away now.

There was a beautiful light calling for me. If I just reached out my hand I could touch it. It was beckoning me forward, like a magnet.

Then in the other direction I heard a voice. One so familiar that I didn't even have to wonder who it belonged to. I wanted to go to it, feel safe once more.

But the light, it seemed so nice. So comforting. But that voice, reminded me of home.

I had two choices, and before I knew what I was doing I made my move. 

~A/N Hi everyone, so this book is almost at its end, so please let me know what you thought of this chapter. I would love to see your feedback.  As always a vote or comment is super appreciated. 

Also is anyone excited for the fourth book?? (:~

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