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Sonia stood in the center of the ballroom. Aristocrats filled the room, clumped into groups. Whispering gossip of there newly crowed queen. Sonia shook it off, her mind was else where. Her focus always seemed to be out of place, at least since she had left the island. She and the others had left the island to carry out there lives like they should have. Except Hajime who had stated behind with a few overseers to see if they could awake there sleeping friends. Her sleeping Gundam. She sighed and looked up to see the atmosphere of the room had changed. All of the guests where cheerful and dancing about. A dark figure stepped out in front of her, she gasped. The figure had the face of gundam. He extended his hand toward Sonia, however once she grabbed it, he died. Blood trickling down the side of his mouth. His body suddenly fell to the ground. Blood pooled under him, his skin turned cold. And in a instant Sonia realized she was dreaming.
Sonia sat straight up, cold sweat clung to her skin. Her breathe was rugged and heavy, her hair stuck to her back. She slowly caught her breath, and wiped her brow with the sleeve of her nightgown. She swung her legs over the bed, and walked over to a small cage on the opposite side of her room. Four small hamsters sat inside, peacefully sleeping. She turned her head toward the fire place mantle. Where a picture of gundam sat, along side it was his incased scarf and earrings. Turning Sonia slowly walked over to the fire place. She picked up the framed picture and ran her fingers along the glass. A single tear slid down her cheek, Sonia quickly wiped it away. She set the picture back in its place on the mantle. She slid back into bed, hoping the painfully dreams would cease.
The next morning Sonia woke, dressed, and prepared for her day. She was not only a princess but now a royal adviser. After the incident no one trusted her to rule, she didn't even trust herself. The crown had been passed off to her cousin. He was hidden during the tragedy, and the only other survivor of her royal bloodline. He would be a wonderful King, and Sonia loved being his adviser. The job was wonderful, but also quite stressful. She couldn't fail or slip up. People already looked down and pitted her as it was. She didn't wish to be doubted anymore then she already was. So she preformed perfectly, doing everything in her power to make her county great again. She spent today like any other. She kept the king on schedule, attended meetings, and helped make political dictions. After a long days work Sonia returned to her room, and let out a long sigh. She walked over to her bed, where she dropped her paper work. She turned and walked over to the hamster cage on the other side of the room. She smiled at them warmly and refilled there food. " How are we today, my four dark devas? Well I hope." She whispered to them. They squeaked in reply. There was a small pager beside there cage. It was the only way to keep in touch with hajime. Sonia had disregarded it for months now ,there had been no progress or page sent to her. There was a time when she checked  it every day in hopes that they had found a way to restore there friends lives. Only now she stared at it, it was buzzing away. Sonia picked in up careful reading the message on the screen.
' We found a way to save them.'
Sonia quickly reread the message, tears forming in her eyes. Sonia ran to her closet, she removed a suitcase and began to pack it. She stuffed it full, and scrambled to the hamster cage. She picked it up by its handle and set them on her bed. She glanced over at the mantel, she walked over and picked up the case that held the scarf. She broke it open, wrapping the scarf around her own neck. She packed away the earrings, and raced out of her room. She had no time to explain to her family where she was going, only that she was leaving. She raced down the halls of the castle. In to the closest car, and she flew over to the island in a helicopter. When she arrived she was meet by Akane, fuyuhiko, souda, and hajime. She dropped her suitcase in her room, along with the hamsters and scarf. She rejoined the others in a large room that held the controls to the tanks there friends where held in. Hajime began to explain what was happening. " Where going to try to upload there avatars...but there brains have been 'awakened' in sense. They are currently in a very deep sleep. But I can guarantee this will work." He explained. We all looked at each other then back at him. " Ok. Let's give this a shot." He breathed. He punched a few buttons, and turned a few knobs. Sonia held her breath, she wanted this to work. She needed this to work, she finally breathed. There was a large beep, and from the large window in the control room you could see the tanks open. Hajime shot up, and all five of them raced down the hall. And stopped where they reached the reached the room. Sonia slowly turned the handle, then pushed the door open.

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