What's up John?

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John, Mason, and I played ding-dong ditch for an hour then later on, we headed to McDonald and grabbed ourselves an early morning breakfast. 

By 4 o'clock in the morning, John went back to his room and Mason and I headed to ours. We were all exhausted. We will continue the catching up later this afternoon after we get our rest. 

It was a very fun night for me. I was living young, wild, and free. I was out in the city with nothing to worry about- wait. 


I am still worried about our family back at home. I wonder what each and one of them are doing. I still feel guilty for leaving without informing my brother, Madison, and my dad. They must be worried sick.

"What are you thinking about? Go to sleep." I hear Mason's voice from the other side of the room. I turn my head and see Mason sat up on his bed as he smirked at me. 

"I'm thinking about our family and how they are doing." I mumbled. I shut my eyes as I felt my eyes begin to weigh in.

"Well, stop thinking. They are okay. Lily told us that they are safe, alright?" Mason inquired. "Go to sleep or else you will get baggy eyes." I hear movements from Mason's side of the room, keeping my eyes shut. Need I mention that Mason likes to sleep shirtless. 

It is not that I am complaining. It's just that if I open my eyes and see them once again, I might not be able to sleep until the next day. It would have been the only thing I'd be thinking about. 

"I guess." I sighed. "So, what are you still doing up?" 

"I need a drink of water." Mason yawns. 

Even though Mason and I stay in one hotel room, we do not sleep in one bed. It is just not right if we did. It's like trying to abuse that freedom that we both have. 

One of the things I hate the most is when you are so tired from a long day that you would even choose sleep than food- that is saying something- but then your mind suddenly wants to overthink over everything. 

Mason took longer than getting a glass of water. He took almost half an hour. When I checked up on him, he was sitting outside the balcony, just staring at the dark sky. 

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked. 

"Yeah, yeah. I'm okay. Go to sleep." He tells me as he set the glass down. He gets up and looks down at me as he was still a couple of inches taller than me. 

"I will not if you do not tell me what is going on with you." I inquired. 

He shuts his eyes and heave a long breath. When he opened his eyes, I saw something different in them, a hint of worry. It has been long since I had seen them on those beautiful eyes of his. 

"Do you ever wonder what our family and friends are doing or thinking about right now? Do you think they are still trying to look for us?" He finally said.

I nod my head slowly. Then, I took a step back and head to my bed. I hear Mason's voice after. 

"Where you going?" He asked me. 

"Like I said, I'll go to sleep when I know what was bothering you." I shrugged my shoulders. Without having to look over, Mason follows me inside and goes to his bed at the other side of the room. 

"Oh." It came out as a whisper. 

"I wonder the same thing too, Mason. Right now, I don't want to think about it." I said with honesty. I pulled my covers over and went to sleep. 

The next day- or should I say 'the next hours'- we met up with John again. We still had catching up to do. He has questions for us. We have questions for him. We all want answers. 

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