A Day Without

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Chapter 18

Lily's POV

I almost forgot about being married to Mason Parker. When Landon and Kayla came and we hung out, it felt like I was in Denver, free and happy with nothing to worry about. It was like hanging out with my friends, forgetting that we were all married.

When I suggested for Kayla and Landon to sleep in my room, I was teasing her. When we went shopping around Manhattan, we were able to chat about our married life. Instead of dreading it, we made a joke about it. Of course with Kayla's case, I knew she wasn't joking around completely.

I know how awkward it is for her to be sleeping on the same bed with my brother and I also know how awkward it was for to be telling me stuff about my brother. She told me that back in Florida, my mom has purchased them their very own house. They were the only two living there together. They would barely see each other during the day though as Kayla would be at school while Landon is at college. Not one of our friends in Boca knew about their marriage.

Landon was confusing. Even if he and Kayla weren't entirely on good terms, he still insist to sleep in the same room as her. Kayla would tell me that she tries her best to get out of it because she thinks it wasn't right. I know for a fact that wasn't true. The only reason she disagrees to sleep in the same room with him is because she's afraid she wouldn't be able to resist.

I woke up earlier than usual. I thought maybe my body was still not used to sleeping next to my husband, but I was wrong. When I looked over my shoulder, there was no Mason. So I turned on the lamp lights and sat up, looking around the room. Maybe he was in the bathroom.

I stepped out of the room and found my brother on the couch instead. It looked like he passed out after drinking down all those empty beer cans on the coffee table. He is confusing. I thought he was the one okay sleeping next to Kayla but instead, he minded and decided to sleep outside.

I looked over the guest bathroom and noticed the door to be ajar and the lights off, which meant Mason wasn't using it. I was curious of where he was so I walked around the penthouse. There was no sign of him.

I don't know why I was suddenly interested at where Mason was. I had grabbed my coat and changed into my long pants before heading out. I just started to walk around the building, quietly as the other penthouse people were still asleep.

"Good morning, Ms. Parker," one of the bell boys greeted me as I stepped into the elevator.

"Good morning," I smile at him to be polite. I was second guessing if I should ask him if he noticed Mason come out. "Did you notice if Mason went out?"

"Yes, I have," he nodded. I looked down at his name tag and noted to remember Lynel was his name. "It was 6 hours ago, just a minute after I started my shift." That meant Mason was gone since 11 last night. That was just an hour after I went to bed.

I wonder where he could be.

I walked around inside the building and as well as outside, hoping to find him but it has been an hour now. I decided to go back to the penthouse and check up on my brother and Kayla. We made plans for this morning.

My brother and I are somewhat okay now and on good terms and as for Kayla, I can never stay mad at her. Everyone had their reasons for doing what they have done in the past. If I held a grudge on them for so long, it would only waste the time we have and I've spent months without them already. I really missed them so I suggested before they go back to Florida tomorrow, we could have one long day to hang out and forget about everything else.

"You're up early," I heard Kayla's husky voice as soon as I entered. "Where have you been?"

I shrugged, "I was just walking around. I needed some air."

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