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"Ugh, why do we have so much homework?" I whined, lying flat on the carpeted floor as I was surrounded with papers and textbooks.

"You were the one who wanted to take AP classes, idiot," he chuckles. I take my crumpled paper and threw it at his direction.

"I wanted to challenge myself, but I did not expect homework to be given every single day," I said with a whiny tone.

"Oh, stop whining you, baby!" He teases.

"I don't even get why you enrolled us in the most prestige private school in Manhattan." I said, standing up, and walked over to where he sat, reading his book.

He closes his book and looks at me. "Well, stop whining. This school year is close to finish. We'll enroll ourselves in some other school next school year." He said, kissing me on my forehead.

Mason and I were living the lives we wanted to live. We were living with freedom. We didn't have to listen to anyone telling us what to do or what to wear. My family and his family back home may be worrying about us, especially Landon and Maddison, but we already made our choice. This is what we both wanted. It may be hard living without your family but it was better than being bossed around. I bet my mom is going crazy again and I do feel sorry for that body guard who was supposed to keep an eye on me. As for my dad, I hope he understands why I had to do what I did.

Sometimes, when it's the only way, you do it. If you can't find another way to fix your wrecked life, run away from it. Hide from and it and let it have a hard time finding you. Their difficulty finding you is the pain it had given you and they deserve it. Even if it's the hardest, it is doable.

Leaving everyone you love may be hard, but at least a piece of your problems from your old life is not attached to you. It may seem selfish, but it is what got to do when you can't endure it anymore. You have sacrificed enough. It's time for you to cut it all off and start fresh and live happily.

"Ms. Crawford, you are doing that again," Mr. Frank picks on me again. Okay, this time, I was guilty. I wasn't particularly paying attention to him because honestly, I lost all my respect for him. Apparently, he has been picking on Mason and I because this girl, Rachel Kenton, have been paying him to do so. The more detention he gives us, the more Rachel pays him. They make me sick.

"Yeah, Mr. Frank, I am." I talked back, grinning at him. He was about to say something but I beat him to it. "Go ahead, Mr. Frank. Give me detention for talking back so then Rachel will give you more."

"Excuse you!" Rachel cuts in. I turn my head at her direction.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Was I supposed to keep my mouth shut? I didn't know you didn't want the class to find out you are having an affair with Mr. Frank." I spat.

"How dare you accuse me of such act?" Rachel stands from her seat and walks to where I sat. I still kept a grinning face.

"Class, you want proof?" I asked, loudly. Some of the girls who disliked Rachel nodded.

"You don't have proof because it isn't true." Mr. Frank cuts in. I cocked my brows at the both of them as they try to challenge me.

"We need to stop this, Rachel." Everyone turns to the back as they heard Mr. Franks' voice that came out from Mason's phone. I looked at Mason who had the same expression plastered on his face. He gives me a wink and turns his phone to the class to see.

"Franky, you don't want that. Admit it, you like me the same way I like you." Rachel said in the video while touching Mr. Frank's collar. The class chuckles at this action and her nickname for Mr. Frank.

"No, I mean giving Mason and Lily detention for no legitimate reason."

"Please, Franky. That is all I ask of you. I just hate those two."

"You mean Mason and Lily or you mean just Lily for having Mason wrapped around her. Admit it, Rachel, you had a crush on Mason and you hated him for rejecting you for Lily."

"No, that's not true, Franky. You are the only one I like," Rachel said.

"Okay, that's enough!" We all turn our heads in the front to see our counselor, witnessing it as well.

"Mr. Frank, Rachel, go to the principals' office, now! As for everyone, get back on your seat and wait patiently as I look for a new teacher for this class."

"Beckett, you can't t do that. I need this job." Mr. Frank complained.

"Well, you should have thought of that, Mr. Frank before having an affair with one of the students in my school." Ms. Beckett half-shouted angrily at Mr. Frank. When it came to policies, they were very strict on it, most especially Ms. Beckett. She may only be present in school for three days, but she does her best to give us, students, thee best high school life.

"You," Mr. Frank points at me. Then, he looks over at Mason. "The both of you, you will pay for this." He threatens us.

"I don't think you can do that if you are in prison, Mr. Frank." Mason smirks. "Having an affair with a student, that is not only against the school's by-law."

Mr. Frank walks out, stomping his feet and Rachel followed, glaring at us.

"I've always wanted that guy out of here. Now, we a have good reason to fire him." Ms. Beckett smiled, looking at everyone.

"Finally!" One of the students said. Everyone chatted among each other. Ms. Beckett left the room and Mason and I followed her.

"Thank you for telling me about this, Mason." Ms. Beckett said as we stand at the hallway.

"It's no problem, Ms. Beckett." Mason smiled.

"Oh, by the way, Lily, your cousin wanted to talk to you. She will be at the hotel later, tonight." She informs me. I nod and she leaves.

I looked at Mason with a grin on his face. I cocked a brow at him. "Oooh, you are in trouble." He teased. 


Hello lovelies! 

I am really sorry for the long wait. I've been wanting to write and finish this story but I got held up with high school shit and also got carried away with my other book. I'm sorry. 

IMPORTANT Note: So like since I am big Nina Dobrev fan, I have the tendency to always use her as the leading female character for all my stories. In able for me to keep up with both stories, I thought that I can connect the both of them. They are both in New York and I have used 'Crawford' in both books as well. So, I connected Lilly Crawford from The Geeky Girl and Jasmine Crawford from Because I Chose. I made them cousins. The two main characters will still be played by Nina Dobrev in their own book but when I clash them together, in whichever book you are reading, the main is Nina and the other girl, just picture her as Shelley Hennig from Teen Wolf, yeah? 

And also Alex Pettyfer. Brandon Larson from "Because I Chose' and Mason Parker are both played by Alex Pettyfer. So when Brandon does appear in this story, just imagine him as Colton Haynes. Yea? 

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