Her Light and Anchor

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Chapter 17

Mason's POV

I had a talk with Landon before leaving the penthouse to meet with Kayla. As much as I disliked the guy for breaking my sister's heart, he was still her older brother and with our current situation, I believed Lily needed her brother right now.

I don't know how I can fix things with her. She has become this girl that I can't seem to read anymore. We've had fights before, but I always knew how to win her back but now, I don't know what to do. She just seems so cold and when I stare into her eyes, I no longer see the light in them. She's shut me out.

So, I thought that maybe Landon can get her back to her old self. When I first met them, their brother-and-sister relationship is what I envied. Maddy or Mark and I didn't have that kind of sibling love. They looked out for each other. They were there for each other and I guess that kind of disappeared when I took Lily from him, when I separated them.

"That was really nice of you to give them alone time to talk," Kayla spoke. We were at the hotel's restaurant, having breakfast. She and Landon arrived in New York just last night. I asked them to come. I have a mission to fix Lilian.

"I thought it was for the best," I shrugged after taking a sip of my hot coffee. "Lily needs her big brother."

"Why do you think so?" Kayla asked.

"Family is her light," I said, "At first, I believed that her light and strength was me, but I was wrong. I was just her strength, but her light was her family. She kept moving forward with the hope that her family could be fixed. I was her anchor to fight for what she believed in."

Kayla nodded in agreement with me as she stared into oblivion. "She does love her family so much that even if she denies it, she can never hate them or be mad at them for so long. Before she met you, Landon was her number one supporter. Her dad was her motivator and her mom was her light; that's how she saw it. But with everything she's been through, Landon was gone so you became her anchor and motivator and they turned into her light."

"With everything she's done, she only did it for her family. She moved to Denver to be free not from her mom but from the pressure. Even if she says that it was her mom, I know she just couldn't handle the pressure of being the heir. She didn't want to disappoint her parents; that's all. She needed to go away to hide her weakness from them for a while," I added on. For the times I've spent with her in our secret home in New York, I slowly got to fully know her.

"How were you able to see that so quick? I mean, I've been her best friend for the longest time and I didn't see that until she came back to Florida with her mom," she admitted. I could see the embarrassment in her face.

"You're not a bad friend for not noticing it, Kayla. She was just good in keeping it away," I shrugged at her.

"No matter how much she says that her family is wack, I know she believes they are worth fighting for. So, when she heard of that false news about that company in Finland, she accepted the offer of marrying whoever. Then, you came to take her away."

"Do you think I'm a bad person for taking her from her family?" I asked her. I needed to know. Her opinion mattered to me because she matters to Lily so much. Perhaps the reason why she's mad at me is because I ruined my reputation to the people she loves. That's my theory.

That's what I think, because I don't know what other reason which she won't forgive me for.

"Nope," she said, popping the 'p', "I think you're a bad person for giving her up to her mom."

The Geeky Girl and Mason ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now