The Truth

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There was the supposed truth I was deprived with. There was the truth that I didn't know about but the Parkers did. I felt even more betrayed. Was it because I left before they could even tell me? 

"What truth are you talking about?" I asked, gritting my teeth. 

Once again, all four stared back at each other. Well, as for Landon, he was glaring at Madison while the two fathers were eyeing each other like they were trying to read each other's thoughts. If only I have the power to read minds, I would get my answer in no time, instead of wasting my time here. 

I heard Madison sighed in exasperation first as she gave up the staring contest she had with my brother. Landon followed her as he heaved a deep breath. "The truth is . . ." As if it wasn't already dragged out enough, Landon stopped shortly. What is so hard about giving me the truth? 

"Time is running out," Madison completed for him. Landon looked up to meet her eyes but Madison just glanced at him for a split second before looking back at me intensely. I'd thought she would be the one that elaborates what she meant, but I guess she wanted to give one of my family members a chance to tell me the truth. Thus, I have to wait another long nerve wracking moment of silence. 

"Mom has less than a year left," Landon whispered with his raspy voice. When I turned to him, it looked like he was resisting something within himself. His words were sharped. "She has leukemia." 

I thought only three certain words can stop the air from coming in and out of my lungs but I was wrong. I was totally wrong on that. Mason's 'I Love You' cannot top it up. No words could explain how I was feeling. I wish I could spell it out but I can't when it literally feels like I can't breathe, like there's something clogging my throat. Suddenly, I was feeling like I was in the state of fatigue. Is blurry vision and shortness of breath a symptom of fatigue? 

"Lilian, are you okay?" I was still able to notice my dad's voice though. Am I okay? Of course, I was. Was my mom? No, and I guess that makes me not okay. 

I slightly shook my head but it still caused a little swirl in my head. Just like that, I felt my entire body falling to the side, my head hitting the wooden chair. And then, all things go black. 

I just fainted, but they overreacted about it. I was stuck in the hospital for a week until I could finally go back home. By home, I meant the hideout place we were staying in. Mr. Parker and my dad have left the island to fly back in the mainland because my mom was starting to get suspicious with my dad and as for Mr. Parker, he needed to fix his son because supposedly I left him heart broken.


When the fathers left, the tension in the house was undeniably exhausting. Madison and Landon are still not in good term, just like I was with the both of them. Basically, none of us were speaking to each other unless Landon has to inform us something that dad has called to tell him. 

"You start school on Monday. Dad said so," Landon firmly said as he walked past me. I just glowered at him as he made his way to the back balcony, where I intended to go. I guess I have to take a turn with my route as my destination has been taken already. My second option was the downstairs balcony. I just wanted to see the ocean and listen to the waves crashing to the shore. However, when I came down, I realized it has been taken by someone else too. 

Instead of walking away and looking for someplace else to have my alone time, I found myself doing just the opposite.  Somehow, my legs were pulled towards the sliding glass door and curious at what Madison was doing. It was completely out of the norm when you see Madison Parker reading a business book. If there was something I learned about her, she hates the business world. 

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