Chapter 1: My mission.

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"Long ago, the world was a dangerous place. The dangers of that time make all the world issues we have now look like a quarrel between two siblings.

The world was divided into twelve lands. Each land rules by a different God.

These twelve Gods not only ruled, but dictated, over the world.

The Gods each possessed powerful magic that, together, could be used to help the world thrive and develop at extraordinary speeds. However, some Gods were overcome with greed. These rulers wanted more than just their share of the world. They wanted to rule over the world and take every ounce of power they could from it.

This resulted in a thirteen day war. The powerful, positive, energy that each God had was then turned into negative energy, plunging the world into darkness.

On the first day of the war Aquarius brought hurricanes upon the earth. This came as a shock to all people of the world. Killing many who were not on Aquarius's land.

On the second day Pisces sent a tsunami towards Aquarius's land, in order to avenge many of his subjects' deaths. This tsunami ended up destroying the land that Arias ruled, which was next to Aquarius's land.

On the third day Aries attempted to dry her lands by speeding up the aging process of the sun. Turning it into a Red super giant, That Aries used to heat up the world and dry the remains of the tsunami.

On the fourth day Taurus sent earthquakes throughout the world splitting all 12 lands into different pairs of continents.

On the fifth day Gemini sent Hurricanes throughout the land to spread the six continents further away.

On the sixth day Cancer spread out diseases throughout the world in an attempt to kill the other zodiacs.

On the seventh day Leo turned the disease ridden animal's wild, in an attempt to get them to leave his land and attack others.

On the eighth day Virgo changed the bodies of the few remaining hundreds of people left. She created obesity and undernourishment, then plagued the world with it.

On the ninth day Libra destroyed the pull of gravity, dragging all of the remaining humans off of the world. Along with many other animals and objects that were not buried in the ground or swimming in the sea.

On the tenth day only the twelve Gods remained in the world. Scorpio then decided to unleash all of his sea creatures onto the eleven other Gods. However this was unsuccessful, since any animal that came out of the sea was automatically torn away from the earth, due to the lack of gravity.

On the eleventh day, the sun had slowly started turning into a supernova. Saggitarius used the supernova to his advantage and used his power to make the sun rain down on the gods like arrows of flaming meteors.

On the twelfth day Capricorn had decided that enough was enough and cast a spell on the world causing it to explode into thousands of pieces.

However since the gods were immortal they remained floating in space, fighting each other physically. This continued until another god appeared before them on the thirteenth day. This god was called Ophiuchus and he ruled over the galaxy.

Ophiuchus recreated a new world alongside the gods. This world was made to look exactly like the old world the God's had destroyed. However, to help life continue on this world, and to stop over population, Ophiuchus decided to place the diseases from the old world into the new one. However Ophiuchus made sure that they would only stop over population, and not kill everyone in this world. .

Ophiuchus then pondered on what to do that could punish the gods for their numerous crimes, and since he could not kill them for their crimes, he turned them all into their own arrangement of stars. He then called them the Zodiacs. This created the constellations we know today of the same name.

However there is more that I must tell you. After the zodiacs were placed in the sky a watcher was placed with them. She would be the balance for all the zodiacs, and keep them from starting another war, or from escaping the stars; from which they will watch the world develop once again. However this time, without the help of the zodiacs.

The woman was called Celestia, after the word celestial; meaning to be 'positioned in the sky'.

After many billions of years these zodiacs have passed on their powers to people on earth, giving them the powers of the zodiac.

You must go and find these zodiac descendants to ensure that they do not cause the same distraught as the constellations once did. This will be your task, as it was mine, your grandmothers' and ever her great grandmothers' task. It is your duty as a descendent of-" She broke into a fit of dry coughs.

"Mom?" I rushed to pull her into a sitting up position, since I was already beside her bed.

"You must find them... and... harness their powers... if they pose... a threat" She spoke in a quiet raspy voice, just barely getting her words out.

Her eye lids grew heavy and she started to close her eyes.

"Mom!" I shook her, trying to stop her from leaving me.

She had been bedridden for months now, but it wasn't this bad. The doctors and nurses had kept their eye on her.

"Help!" I screamed, hoping that either a doctor or a nurse would come and save her.

I suddenly felt mom grab my arm and pull me to her, her voice a whisper in my ear.

"Go to star valley."

That was it. Those were the last words she said to me before the doctor came in. They stabilised her and made me leave the room.

'Star valley. I remember that name.

That's where dad lives.'

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