Chapter 7: First day> Girl with the brown hair

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I woke up this morning in a cold sweat.

The same nightmare had haunted my mind, with no signs of it going away.

I dragged myself out of my bedroom, and made my way to my small en suite bathroom.

After having a shower, and getting dressed, I made my way downstairs for breakfast.

I was surprised to see Ryan and Tarey sat at the table eating breakfast, along with a girl, who had brown hair, and brown eyes to match.

"Good morning Celeste" Ryan and Tarey said in unison.

"Do you have lessons this morning too?" Ryan asked.

Ryan had a bowl of Cereal and Tarey had an apple. The brown haired girl had some apple juice.

"Yeah. I have astrology first period." I replied.

"Celeste the astrologer. Sounds like it's meant to be." The brown eyed girl chuckled.

"Yeah. It's like a name sake." I chuckled.

"Well, I gotta go. I have Sports, first period."
And with that, the mystery girl left the room.

Rico, Vira and I followed suit. I grabbed my bag and made my way to first period.

After my Astrology lesson, I made my way back to my dorm.

I had no more lessons until 1pm.
So I was free for another three hours.

I walked in to see Ryan, Scala, Scorpion and Aura sat in the sofa's around the coffee table.

"You guys really did that?" Scala sounded worried.

"I bet it was fun right?!" Ryan questioned.

"It wasn't as fun as some of the other thing's we've done. But it was pretty cool." Scorpion replied nonchalantly.

"I enjoyed it." Aura commented.

"That's all that matters then." Scorpion replied, kissing her cheek.

"Um, hey guys. What's up?" I asked, coming into view of everyone in the room.

"Nothing much." Scala stated.

"Aura and Scorpion were just telling us about what they did over summer." Ryan replied excitedly.

"If you two get found out-" Scala started.

"We did it right in front of him. But we had balaclava's on, so he couldn't possibly know who did it." Scorpion chuckled.

"Don't worry, we won't drag you into it. We just answered your question on what we did this summer." Aura replied bluntly.

Scala sighed. Then Ryan turned to face her, giving her a wide grin.

"It's fine Carla! It's not as bad as other things they have done!" Ryan attempted to cheer the brown haired girl up.

Green and red eyes stared at each other for a moment.

"Alright then. I can't do anything about it anyway." Scala broke eye contact with Ryan, and looked away, a light pink on her cheeks.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" I asked, no one in general.

"We broke into an gadget shop and stole Two new I Phones and I got a Rolex." Scorpion stated bluntly, showing me the watch on his wrist, whilst Aura held up the two phones.


"You did what?!" I nearly yelled.

"We got a new I phone each and Scorpion got a Rolex." Aura repeated, blandly.

"How did you get away with that?" I asked.

"They always get away with that kind of stuff. Scorpion's dad is a mechanic with his own business, so getting rid of a licence place is easy, and Scorpion has his own motorcycle to escape." Ryan's eyes sparkled in awe.

"You should see what else they have." Scala chuckled at Ryan's admiration for crime and deviance.

"Okay, we'll be going now. We have class next period." Scorpion announced, standing up.

"Okay then, see you guys later?" Scala asked?

"We might get back late. Eat without us, as usual." Aura replied, standing up and making her way out of the door, with Scorpion.

"Don't stay out too late okay? The Gates close at 9!" Scala called out to the couple.

They replied with a wave of their hands, and walked out of the door.

"So do you guys normally have dinner separate?" I asked.

"Well, we all do different things. First day back we have dinner together; its been that way since we started this school, 3 years ago." Ryan started.

"But, after that, we tend to eat in separate groups. Scorpion and Aura tend to get back late, and some days they go out with Connor and Rico." Scala continued.

"Then Vira and Zander both go swimming a lot, so they eat together.-"

"-Tarey and Gemma both go to the psychologist every night-"

"-So Leo, Aqua, Carla and I eat together in the dorm's dining room." Ryan finished.

Scala and Ryan really seemed to bounce off of one another.

"You can join us if you want." Scala offered.

"Oh. Sure. what time do you guys eat?" I asked

"7pm" Ryan replied.

"Well we have to go now! We're organising the school dance." Scala called over her shoulder as she and Ryan walked out of the door.

The same brown haired girl from earlier entered the dorms as Ryan and Scala exited.

"He's in his room." Ryan informed the girl.

"Thanks." She replied.

The girl walked into the room.

"Hey, Celeste right? I met you this morning! are you new?" She asked and greeted at the same time.

"Um yeah. I'm new to this dorm." I replied.

"That's nice! Fresh blood." She giggled. "Have you seen Leo?" She asked.

"Well, I met him yesterday. I haven't seen him today though." I replied.

"That's alright. As Ry said, he's probably in his room. It was nice to see you again!" She called out to me as she ran further into the dorms; in the direction of Leo's room.

'Who is she?'


"Not all criminals are bad guys. Some only commit crimes to save what is precious to them." She winked at me. 

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