Chapter 10: Hot headed> Air balloon

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"Hey, Celeste!" Ryan called out to me from his table with Scala, Leo and Aqua.

I walked over to them with my tray of good in hand.

"Hey! What's going on?" I asked.

((A/N: I said hey!.... what going on!?
Is it just me who thought of the song?))

"We would like it if you ate lunch with us. Unless you don't want to... But you can if you want to! Just don't feel pressured int-"

"-Cala" Ryan interrupted, as I say at the table and started to eat my macaroni and cheese.

"We are going on an air balloon ride this Saturday and we have a spare ticket so we wanted to invite you. Are you coming?" Aqua asked, or more like demanded.

But that's just the way she was... bossy.

"Sure I would love to go with you guys!" I accepted.

"Cool. We will meet in the reception area of the dorm at 9am. Can't wait to see you there Celeste." Leo said in that creepy tone of his.

I could see Aqua glaring at me out of the corner of my eye. She then stood up abruptly and sped out of the cafeteria.

"I'll go get her." Leo assured us as he made his way after Aqua.

I saw Ryan and Scale giggle as Leo walked away.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"You study astrology right?" Scale asked.


"Then you of all people should be able to figure it out." She replied, getting up from the table and leaving with a little giggle and Ryan following behind her.

"See you on Saturday at 9! Don't forget!" He called out to me.

"I won't!"


"Woah! This is so high up!" I gasped in awe.

"Well this is a hot air balloon." Aqua commented.

"Aqua ... are you okay? You don't need to be so cold towards Celeste..." Scala tried to assure Aqua.

'Cold towards me? Why? What did I do?'

"Yes I do! She comes to our dorms, interrupts our friendships and then if that wasn't enough she-!" Aqua stopped talking abruptly and stole a quick glance in Leo's direction; then averted her eyes back to Scala.

"But-" Scala began, but was instantly interrupted by Aqua grabbing her blouse and pulling her right up to her face.

"But nothing. She has not been your friend as long as I have. She doesn't belong with us." Aqua growled.

The wind started to pick up as Aqua voice did, and soon enough there was a harsh continuous flow of wind. Along with alot of screaming.

The air balloon started to sway...

"Aqua... Let. Cala. Go." Ryan demanded in a low voice.

He had gotten his hand on Aqua's shoulder, and was giving her a sinister stare.

I would have never thought to see such a chilling look on Ryan's face.

"Are you both siding with Celeste?! Over me? After we've been friends for so long? Been through so much-"

"Aqua." Leo spoke up.

Ryan averted his gaze from Aqua to Leo. Once he saw the seriousness in Leo's eyes, his grip on Aqua's shoulder lessened and he backed away from her.

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