Chapter 6: Meeting the 'family'

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"Celeste, your early!" Scala called from the kitchen.

She pulled a roast chicken out of the oven, then walked over to the table and placed it in the middle.

"Well I had nothing to do in my room, so I thought I would come down. Do you want any help?" I asked her as I watched her walk back and forth from the kitchen to the table.

"Hmm." She once again looked lost in thought.

"I'll take that." Ryan said as he walked past Scala, taking the bowl of salad out of her hand, then placing it on the table; causing Scala to bang into a potted plant, which was by the sink.

"Carla doesn't like to be a bother to anyone, even if she wants help, she will never tell you. That, and she's really indecisive." Ryan informed me, as he went to help Scala with even more things to be placed on the table.

"But Celeste is like a guest of honor!" Scala retorted, but it didn't sound like she was annoyed or angry.

"Carla, if she wants to help, let her." Ryan told her.

After that comment Scala gave in and let me help her.

We set up the table, with Scala giving many thanks, just before people started to walk into the room.

They all sat at the table, and I sat in the remaining chair.

"So, I would like to introduce our newest family member Celeste Starr. Please make her feel welcome." Scale introduced.

Lots of Hey's, Hi's and Hello's were all said at once.

"U-um" Scala started.

"I think what Scala is trying to say, is that she wants you all to introduce yourselves too. Names and all..." Ryan stated, from his seat between Scala and Aqua.

I was sat on the left of Scala, next to someone I didn't know.

"Hello. My name is Vira Ogriv, pleasure to meet you." The stoic girl sat next to me introduced herself.

She was a redhead with Brown eyes. Her hair was pulled back into a long braid that came around her neck to her chest.
She looked really healthy.

"Nice too meet you too" I replied.

"We already met. I'm Aura." She replied from the left of Vira.

"Scorpion." The delinquent deadpanned, from his seat next to Aura.

"I'm Tarey Suirattigas nice to meet'cha. I'm the funny one of the group." A boy called, from his seat next to Scorpion.

Tarey had a long face, but it was rounded out by his chubby cheeks.
His hair was Brown and his eyes were unnaturally a goldish-yellow. They looked almost like horse eyes.

Tarey elbowed the Guy sat next to him. They guy looked pretty pre-occupied with his phone.

He took out his headphones and greeted me.

"I'm Zander Secsip." With that, he put his headphones back in and Stared at his phone.

He had unnatural royal blue hair. His eyes were the same colour. It was as if he was born from the sea.

He didn't seem very sociable though.

"Hey! Gemma is Gemma Inimeg, it's nice to meet you! Gemma hopes we can become good friends!" She all but screamed at me in excitement.

Her blue eyes looked crazed. It was a stark contrast to her calm, strait, Brown hair.

'Speaks in third person? Okay...'

"I hope we can too." I chuckled.

Gemma turned to the boy sat next to her, who was drawing on a napkin , and shook his shoulder.

"What?" The boy snapped.

Before he spoke, I would have pegged him as a shy guy who like a to draw. But now I could see that was not the case.

"Introduction time!" Gemma cheered.

"Connor Recnac." He replied, not looking up from his little drawing he was creating on a napkin.

His hair was ginger, and his focused eyes were blue.

"Your picture looks nice. Is it..." I analysed at the picture for a moment. "A crab?" I asked.

He nodded his head. On the napkin was a small crab in the corner. Even though it was small, it was extremely detailed.

"My name is Rico Nrocirpac. It's nice to meet you, Celeste" The guy next to Connor spoke to me.

"It's nice to meet you too, Rico." I replied.

I didn't exactly know how to talk to him, he seemed well mannered, but also as if he didn't want to talk to me.

His hair was a dark Gray, and his eyes were black. He had an reserved presence about him. It freaked me out and intrigued me at the same time.

He turned to Leo and gave him a "speak now or forever hold your peace" look.

"You already met me, Leo, Leo Lion." He greeted, from beside Aqua.

'Leo Lion, could you be anymore obvious?!' I questioned myself.

After all the introductions were done, Scala spoke.

"So, now that we all know each other-"

"Let's eat!" Ryan, interrupted.

We all began to share out food and pass it around the table, while Scala chuckled at Ryan's actions.

I got to know the people at the table over dinner.

I found out that even though most of these guys were never in the same lesson, they still became as close as family by meeting each other around the dorm.

Leo, Aqua, Ryan, and Scala all came from the same neighborhood. They went to the same primary and secondary school, and are pretty much childhood best friends.

They were like the heart of the group. Everyone hung out with at least two of them.

I learned that Rico and Connor are the least sociable of the group, and that Zander really loved his music. Once he had his earphones in he was in a completely different world, and he didn't care much for socialising.

Vira was the authority figure of the group. Even though Leo was in charge of the dorm, it seemed that Vira kept everyone in order, along with Scala, who was like the groups mother.

Tarey was exactly as advertised. The joker of the group had everyone laughing, even the more reserved people let out a chuckle or two.

Overall it was a great night, and at the end we all split away to our rooms, leaving Ryan and Scala to wash up the dishes.

Apparently it was their night to do so.


"True friends are not people you would do anything for. They are the people who correct you when you are wrong, and are there when it is most important. Remember. They are friends, not masters." My mother chided me after walking out of the principles office.

Currently 7:42 in the morning...

Sorry for such a long chapter of introductions. I'll make it up to you by doing something special.

Giving you more to read!
Yup, I'm uploading the side story called 'Celestial: ORIGINS' on Monday's.
More garbage for you to read!

And remember, Loyalty, Honesty, Genorosity, Laughter and Kindness don't grown on trees!


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