Chapter 12: Mother> Zodiacs

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(( Oh my...
We are getting very close to the end of this book...
I'd say we have another two chapters after this one.
Once I've completed this book, and Celestial: ORIGINS, I'm going to combine the two books. So if you see new Celestial chapters come out after I say the book is over, just know... they are not new XD.))

"Your house is HUGE!" Ryan exclamed as the coach pulled up infront of my house, or rather, my mansion.

"It may be huge, but it's almost always cold inside." I replied, stepping off the coach.

A series of thanks were given to the coach driver as we piled out of the vehicle and into the side walk with our luggage.

"We only have six spare rooms though... that's why I told you guys to pick partners that you are comfertable with..." I trailed off, looking at the pairs that were formed.

Aqua and Leo.

Vira and Zander.

Aura and Scorpion.

Scala and Ryan.

Tarey and Gemma.

Rico and Conner were the only two same gender pair that paired up together.

((A/N: sky-dragon-slayer I hope you are prepared for some major character development :D))

The brown haired girl who's name I found out was Ysabella was going to stay with me in my room.

I walked up to the door, Ysabella jogging beside me, singing a song I didn't know.

She was such a sporty person, it boosted my energy too.

My hand stopped on the golden knocker of the mahogany door.

Ysabella noticed and stopped singing.

"If you don't go and see her now... you might regret it later on." She told me, slightly pushing her glasses up her nose.

'She's right'

I knocked the knocker three time's and waited for a response.

"I hope you have some good books here." She commented just as the door began to open.

She had a blue uniform on and her blonde hair was pulled back into a bun.

"Miss Starr. I see you have brought guests..." A nurse greeted me.

Her voice was strained and her grey eyes had a reddish-pink tint to them. I could tell she was tired.

"They are my friends. I'm sure my mother would like to meet them. We will only be staying for the weekend." I replied.

The woman nodded slowly then stepped aside to let us all into the house.

I showed everyone to their rooms and dropped Ysabella off in my room.

'Here goes nothing' I thought as I knocked on the door to my mother's room.

Silence followed.

I opened the door and walked into my mothers room.

She was laying in her bed, plugged into many machines.

I walked over to her.

She looked so still that If I couldn't hear the beeping of her weak heart through one of the machines she was attatched to... I would have thought she was dead.

I kneeled beside her bed and held her frail hands in mine.

She was so pale and thin. A mere after image of the strong woman she once was.

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