The feeling of Anxiety is nerve racking. The nerves in your body buzz like crazy. You start shaking. Your breathing gets heavy. Everything just doesn't seem to go right. The world around you feels like it's falling down. The tears on your face keep falling and falling.
The shaking starts its uncontrollable. Your breathing gets heavy. People keep tell you that your just exaggerating the situation. It just makes everything worse. You have to run your hands together to help with everything. Once you leave the room from the situation it caused the anxiety and talk to someone it'll be perfectly fine.
-AN: I've dealt with Anxiety before about 3 times in my math class last year. Once I got out of the classroom and talked to another teacher who understood what I was going through helped me calm down. Trust me it sucks more then anything. If you ever need to talk just shoot me message I'll be gladly to answer you! Have a beautiful day loves!-