Will and Wedding Attack

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It was the morning of Bill's wedding to Fleur. The guys were setting up the marque for the reception. Us girls were all getting ready together upstairs. I wore deep blue dress that went to my knees and had my in elegant low bun. I had blue eye shadow, eye liner, red lipstick and concealer on.

Fleur looked gorgeous in her black and white wedding dress. I was helping with her hair, when Ginny came back in. Apparently the new minister was downstairs and he wanted to speak to Harry, Hermione, Ron and I. Mrs Weasley told me that I could and that they'd finish Fleur's hair. I nodded and put on my black 3 inch heels, before heading downstairs into the living room.

I sat next to Harry on the long couch with the others. Harry hadn't taken the polyjuice potion yet to look like Ron's cousin yet. The minister sat across from us with a briefcase, covered cage and piece of parchment. He gave Ron and Hermione their gifts from Dumbledore's will first. Ron got his deluminator and Hermione got his book on the Beedle the Bard.

Harry then got his gift which was the snitch he caught in his first ever Quidditch match. Dumbledore also left him the sword of Gryffindor, but it could not be found. It was my turn to receive my gift.

The minister gave me letter and covered cage. He said "Dumbledore knew you may have lost your phoenix. So he wanted to get you something so that you could still deliver letters. The letter can't be opened by anyone but you" he finished pointing to the letter in my left hand.

I nodded and lifted the cover on the cage to reveal a beautiful short-eared owl inside. It cooed quietly when it saw me and I let her out of her cage. She landed on my shoulder and pecked my cheek fondly. I stroked her chest and told everyone I'd name her 'Pepper'.

The minister looked from me to the letter expectantly. I shook my head and told him I'd read it after the wedding. Which was about to start, so he left and Harry took his polyjuice potion. We were already for the wedding and went outside.

(that night)

The ceremony was beautiful and everything went well.It was time for the reception I walked into the marque with my Uncle. He went to speak to Tonks and I walked over to Hermione who wore a red dress. "If anything happens tonight get Harry and Ron and leave straight away" I told her in a whisper.

She nodded her head as Victor came over and asked her to dance. I watched them go to the dance floor as Ginny came over. The newly weds were dancing as we all clapped and had fun.

As Ginny and I danced beside each other laughing with the newly weds. A lynx patronus appeared and told us the minister was dead. That the ministry had fallen and that they were coming. Ginny and I had just grabbed our wands when the attack started.

I dueled beside Ginny when I saw from the corner of my eye my Uncle stop Harry from helping us. Harry left with Hermione and Ron after that. We were then over powered by the deatheaters. I was with my Uncle and Tonks waiting to be interrogated by the deatheaters.

Then Lucius Malfoy came over with Draco and Voldemort. My Uncle stood in front of Tonks and I protectively. Voldemort ignored him and turned to me and Tonks. "Which one of you is Faline Potter?" he asked.

Tonks was about to step forward but I gave her a pointed look. My Uncle hugged her as I stepped forward to face Voldemort. "My how you've grown in the last three years" he said looking me up and down. I didn't move a muscle and stared at him defiantly.

"What do you want Voldemort?" I asked with no fear. He laughed at my bravery as Bellatrix came over. She was about to torture me, but Voldemort stopped her from doing so.

"I wish to know where your brother is, do you know where I can find him?" Voldemort asked. I shook my head and saw Draco give me a worried look. Voldemort turned to see who I was looking and smirked. "If you don't tell me want you know I'll kill Draco" he said pointing his wand at Draco.

When I didn't say anything Draco screamed in pain. I tried to go to him, but Voldemort stopped me by holding my arm. "Stop please, I don't know where Harry is only that he was given job by Dumbledore before he was murdered by Snape" I said desperately.

Voldemort lifted the curse on Draco and let me go. Draco sent me look full of remorse as he left with his father. My Uncle pulled me back beside him and Tonks as the deatheaters left with Voldemort. I cried into his shoulder as he hugged me with Tonks doing the same.


picture of Faline's new owl above and dress B on the external link is the one she wore to the wedding


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