Edward Remus Lupin

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It has been about a month since want happened at Malfoy Manor. The Carrow siblings are following me again. Draco sent me a letter to apologize for want happened at his place. I sent a reply saying I didn't blame him. I haven't heard from him since.

Harry break in was successful and Voldemort was angry. Snape interrogated me again, but this he didn't use truth serum. Everyone was over joyed to have Luna back at Hogwarts. She was hiding in the room of requirement with the other D. A members.

Lee sent a message to the Order via his radio talk show Potterwatch. He told them of my return with Luna and that Harry and the other two were alive and well. Kingsley sent a message back telling us how things are going with the Order.

I was the common room studying for the exams when a owl flew in through the window. It dropped a letter in my lap and it left. I read the note which was from my Uncle. All it said was it's time and I knew immediately the baby was coming. I got my jacket and got some floo powder from my secret stash. I went to the Gryffindor fire place and used the floo powder to go to my Uncles residents at the moment.

I arrived in my Uncles fire place and Andromeda was there to greet me. She lead me upstairs to where Tonks was in labour crushing my Uncles hand.  I greeted them both before standing next to Andromeda for the birth.

(few hours later)

My new baby brother was born and Tonks was holding her son for the first time. I stood next to my Uncle as he had an arm around my shoulders. He was looking down at Teddy with so much joy in his eyes. Andromeda was on Tonks other side looking at her first grandchild happily.

She was in tears when Tonks told her want they named their son. Edward Remus Tonks. Tonks let me hold my new little brother and I started to sing softly yo him. He stopped crying as I sang "Come stop your crying, it will be alright..."

"I'll be there for you always, always" I said the last word kissing his forehead as he slept peacefully. I looked at the others who clapped silently and I blushed. Uncle Remus took his son from me gently so not to wake him. He placed Teddy in his crib by the bed as the girls thanked me for the song.

That night I spent with my family and we announced it on Potterwatch that Teddy was finally here. I slept in the spare room across from the new parents and their son. Andromeda had room next to mine. Teddy woke up a few times during the night to be feed or changed otherwise he slept all night.


the song Faline sang to Teddy above (p.s Teddy is the baby's nickname)

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