Letters and O. W. Ls Results

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I'd just read the Daily Prophet and found out Snape had been made the new Headmaster of Hogwarts. My Uncle moved us to a safe house after what had happened at the wedding last week. I put down the prophet and saw Dumbledore's letter on my night stand.

I still hadn't opened it yet, but I have been taking care of Pepper. Also there hasn't been anytime to read it with us moving. I opened it and it said:

Dear Miss Faline Potter,

If you are reading this it means that I am dead and you got your gift. I put a spell on this letter so that only you can read it. Also that you can't tell anyone the contents of this letter even if you are tortured. I know Snape killed me. I ordered him to so that Voldemort would trust him completely.

I trust Harry along with Miss Granger and Mr Weasley have began their search. Remember Harry cannot know his true connection to Voldemort until the final battle. You are not to write to Harry or the other two during their search.

I knew that when I died that Fawkes would leave and that Jean would most likely follow him. That is why I got you the owl. She is very loyal and protective of her owner. If you ever do see our phoenixes again please tell Fawkes he was an amazing companion over the years.

Yours sincerely,

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

p.s it is not Draco's fault he became a deatheater and was ordered to kill me. He had no choice and in the end he didn't kill me. Give him a chance as he cares for you deeply.

I'd just finished reading the letter when it burst into flames. Then a barn owl flew through my window and dropped a letter onto my lap before leaving. I saw it was a Hogwarts letter and took it downstairs.

Tonks was in the living room watching the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' with my Uncle. I told them that my Hogwarts letter arrived and we read it together. I'd been made captain of the Quidditch team again and a prefect. My Uncle was proud of my achievement and then we read my o. W. Ls results.

Ancient Runes - E

Arithmancy - E

Astronomy - E

Care of Magical Creatures - O

Charms - O

Defense Against the dark Arts - O

Herbology - E

History of Magic - A

Potions - O

Transfiguration - O

We were pleased with my results and Tonks asked if I was dropping any of my subjects. I told them I was dropping Astronomy and History. My Uncle was fine with me dropping the subjects. I read my book list and then went to Diagon Alley with my Uncle. Tonks stayed at the house with her mother.

Her father was on the ran as he was muggle born. We hadn't heard from him since he left one night. Both Andromeda (Tonks mother) and Tonks were sad about him leaving. As were I and my Uncle we had tried to look for him without telling the other two.

Tonks belly has gotten bigger over the past week with the baby. We still don't know the gender yet. But we were happy that something good came because of this war. My Uncle got married and was now expecting a child. He or she was our light in the darkness that Dumbledore talked about in my second year.

When we returned home I went upstairs to put my stuff away and saw Draco's owl in the back of my chair. I gave it an owl treat and it left. I read the letter and he asked me to met him in the room of requirement on the first night of school. I wrote a reply this time telling him I would met him and sent Pepper to deliver it.


picture of Draco's eagle owl above

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