Final Battle

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After I finished comforting Ginny I went to the entrance hall. Where Harry was saying goodbye to Hermione and Ron telling them to kill Voldemort's snake. Hermione was crying as was I when I ran to give my big brother a hug.

"You knew didn't you?" Harry asked quietly so the others wouldn't hear. I pulled away nodding my head saying he'll be fine. He nodded and hugged the other two one last time before heading towards the Dark Forrest to face what could be his death sentence.

I went back into the great hall with the other two. They went over to the Weasleys as I went to My Uncle and Tonks dead bodies again. Draco came over with Blaise and he put his arm around my shoulders.

Blaise gave me his condolence for my Godfathers death. "Draco when Voldemort returns with his deatheaters. You need to leave with your parents straight away. There will be a final battle between Harry and him. You and your family need to go into hiding. While I clear your names with the Ministry" I told Draco.

He tried to argue but didn't when I gave him a stern look. We talked about the good old days at Hogwarts when there was no war. When Voldemort returned with his deatheaters while Hagrid carried my brothers body.

We all gathered outside as Voldemort announced "Harry Potter in dead!" Ginny screamed and tried to attack him but her father held her back. I stood by Draco and when Voldemort asked who'd join him. I gave Draco a nodded as his mother called for him and he let go of my hand.

I walked with him through the crowd and stopped next to Hermione as Voldemort greet him. Voldemort asked if anyone else would join looking at me in particular.  I shook my head at him as Neville stepped forward. He gave a speech of how Harry lives on in all us and that this fight isn't over.

As he the sword of Gryffindor from the sorting hat. I saw Draco leave through the crowd of deatheaters with his parents. Draco gave me one last look as my brother let everyone know he was very much alive.

Most of the deatheaters fled the scene as the last fight started. I was battling Bellatrix beside Ginny. When Bellatrix tried to kill Ginny, Mrs Weasley blocked the spell and said. "Not my daughter you bitch" as she pointed he wand at Bellatrix.

I stood next Ginny as we watched her mum duel with Bellatrix. Then we cheered when Mrs Weasley killed Bellatrix. We all got back to fighting protecting each others back.

I got separated from Ginny and her mum during the fight. When I looked outside the window I saw Harry and Voldemort wands looked. Then they disconnected and both wand wielders fell to the ground. I knew that the snake had died meaning the final horcrux was destroyed.

Harry and Voldemort locked spells again, but this time Harry won. He vanquished Voldemort once and for all. I saw Buckbeak flying outside the window and jumped onto his back. He flew me down to Harry and I hugged my brother tightly.

The rest of the deatheaters surrendered because they felt their lord die. We all cheered and hugged love ones. I wrote a quick letter and sent word to the Malfoy's of Voldemorts demise telling Draco to keep them hidden. My brother hugged me and told me he was sorry for my loses.

I told him it wasn't his fault and he left with his friends. Ginny and George came over to me and we talked about funeral ideas. It may seem to soon to think about that. But many have died today and there will be a lot of funerals to come in the following weeks.

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