Quidditch and Ministry Break-in

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It has been about two months since school has started. I get letters from Draco weekly and no one has heard from Luna. Ginny is worried and so are the other D. A member. But I knew Luna would be fine she can take care of herself rom what I saw in my fourth year. She was probably just in hiding with her father.

The past two months have been hard with school work, Quidditch practice, D. A meetings and my prefect patrols. But I've managed to make it work. One of the Carrow siblings seem to follow me where ever I went. They also don't give me as harsh a punishment as the other students. When I refuse to do something for them.

It is time for the first Quidditch match of the year Gryffindor vs Slytherin. When one of the Slytherin team members tried to curse one of beaters. They were severely punished for using magic outside of class. That is when everyone released not even the Slytherins are safe from punishment. Even with Snape as our Headmaster now.

I had just finished giving my pre-game speech as we left the change rooms. Mclaggen was our keeper this year and he has changed a lot since Dumbledore's death last years. Dean was one of our beaters along with a fifth year boy. Ginny, Seamus and a fourth year girl were our chasers. I was the seeker this year and I planned on doing my brother proud.

I shook the Slytherin captains hand and we all took to the sky. Madam Hooch stepped onto the field to begin the game. She gave her usual warnings before releasing the snitch and bludgers. Then the game began when she throw the quaffle into the air.

Gryffindor was leading 70 to 20 when I spotted the snitch. It was by the Gryffindor goal post close to the ground and I dived after it. The Slytherin seeker was on my tail, but my broom was faster. I caught the snitch before leveling out five feet from the ground. The other seeker pulled up about five feet ago. So there was no one to stop from winning the game for my team.

(that night)

It was time for the feast before there was a party in the common room. There was curfew now that no student was aloud out of their dorm past 8:30. Unless they were a prefect on patrol or had detention. The evening mail arrived as the feast was about to begin.

The head line on Ginny's Daily Prophet caught my attention. Apparently my big brother his friends broke into the Ministry of Magic today. I gulped knowing that Voldemort may get Snape to torture me for information. I decided that tonight I'd take out all my memories about horcruxes and put them somewhere safe.

Seeing the Daily Prophet reminded me of Edward Tonks death about a month ago. He was on the run as he was muggle born. The snatchers caught him and killed him after torturing him for information. Andromeda and Tonks were depressed after his death. But Tonks had to stay healthy for the baby. We found out when it was written in the Daily Prophet.

She was due to give birth around April so she was about half way along now. We found out she was going to have a boy. So she decided to name him Edward (Ted) after her father. And that his middle name will be Remus after his father my Uncle Remus. Harry was made the Godfather while I will be the big sister.

I looked up to the teachers table and saw Snape giving me looked. I knew it meant I was in big trouble. Especially when I saw him and Carrow's holding their left arms in pain. Guess no party for me tonight I thought as I ate little dinner.

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