Memories and Truth Serum

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Faline's POV

I went straight to my dorm after dinner and took out my spare crystal phials for potions. I took out all my memories of horcruxes and wrote a note to Ginny. Telling her to hide the phials in the 'Chamber of Secrets' until the final battle. I took out the memory of removing those memories, note and sent both (memories and note)to her magically.

I then left to go to the library with no memory of what I just did. As I was walking the Carrow siblings found me and took me to Snape's office. They forced me into a chair as I tried to get away. Once they used a spell to tie me to the chair Snape appeared with a vail of a colourless potion.

He made me drink it and I knew it was truth serum. I went into a trance and he started to ask me questions. When he finished I was knocked out and woke up in my room the next morning.

Snape's POV (during interrogation)

I was not looking forward to using the truth serum on Faline. The Carrow siblings went to retrieve her as I got the truth serum from my cupboard. The Dark Lord wanted to know if she knew anything about her brothers whereabouts or his mission. I also wanted to ask her about Draco.

The Carrow siblings arrived with a straggling Faline who looked scared. They tied her to a chair with a spell and I gave her the potion. The Carrow sibling's left so that I could interrogate her alone.

"Now Miss Potter do you know where you're brother Harry Potter is?" I asked.

"I don't know where he is" she answered in a dreamy voice.

"What was his mission from Dumbledore?" I asked.

"I don't know he didn't tell me and I haven't heard from him since Bill and Fleur's wedding" she answered in the same dreamy voice. I was impressed I knew Potter's mission and I know she knew want it was. I used legilimency to look into her mind.

I saw no memory of her meetings with Dumbledore or about horcruxes. I was impressed of her intelligence to remove them before letting the Carrow sibling's bring her here. I decided not to waste anymore of my time questioning her on Potter's whereabouts.

"What are your true feelings for Draco Malfoy?" I asked.

"I think he is amazing even though he broke his promise to me. It is not his fault Voldemort made him a deatheater and ordered him to kill Dumbledore. He didn't do it in the end Snape did. I love him with all my heart" she finished with silent tears running down her cheeks.

I was happy that my Godson (Draco) had someone to love him. But I decided to end my interrogation and gave her the antidote. She passed out and I took her to her dorm. She looked so much like her mother. Except she hade her fathers eyes which I hated.

I put her on her bed and covered her with a blanket. "Sweet dreams Lily" I said kissing her forehead. I went back to my office and informed Voldemort of my findings. He wasn't pleased that she indeed knew nothing about her brother. I didn't tell him about her feelings for Draco, I decided it would be best to keep that a secret. I went to bed dreaming of the days when Lily was alive.

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