Epilogue: 19 Years Later

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Draco and his family were cleared of most of their charges. Lucius still spent sometime in prison. Narcissa did a lot of charity work to help rebuild both the wizard and muggle world. Draco was cleared of all charges, but given a warning that if he ever used dark magic he'd be sent to Azkaban. The whole family had to go through a rehab program before being allowed to return home.

I got back together with Draco and we got even closer then before. Harry wasn't happy at first but gave us his blessing. When he saw how happy Draco made me. Mr and Mrs Malfoy gave us their blessing as well and apologized to all muggle borns. They didn't hate muggles anymore and even lived in the muggle world.

I moved into Malfoy Manor with Draco and we gave it a make over. We got married three years after Voldemorts demise. Harry walked me down the aisle and Ginny, Hermione and Luna were my bridesmaids and maid of honour.

Andromeda raised Teddy but Harry and I helped as we were his godparents and she was getting to old to chase a child around.Harry and Ginny had three kids a girl and two boys. Hermione and Ron had one of each gender. Draco and I had three children also two of which are twins.

Scorpius our oldest is about to start his first year at Hogwarts looks just like Draco. Blaise Junior had my & my Mothers auburn hair and my & my Fathers hazel eyes but Draco's build. Jasmine our little girl has her Harry's & maternal grandmothers green eyes and Harry's & maternal grandfathers black hair. They were all different and unique in their own special way.

Both Lucius and Narcissa loved their three grandchildren and took care of them every weekend. The twins are two years younger then Scorpius who is eleven years old. We got together with Harry and Ginny with their kids once a week. And saw Hermione and Ron between once a week and a fortnight.

Draco walked in the ministry as an auror while I worked from home. I took care of a variety of magical creatures and was like a vet for wizards. Jean has visited a few times over the years with Fawkes. But they never stay long and Gwen died eight years after the final battle. Pepper is old now and stays in my office most of the time when she isn't flying.

I yelled "hurray up Blaise or we'll be late dropping your brother off at the station." Blaise and Jasmine walked into the room holding hands. I smiled they were always so close, but always looked up to their big brother Scorpius. Draco came downstairs with Scorpius and his owl & trunk.

When we got to the station we meet up with the other two families (Harry's/Ginny's and Hermione's and Ron's). We all said goodbye to the children who were going to Hogwarts. Ron told his daughter Rose to beat Scorpius in classes. Hermione scolded him as Draco told our son to try his best ans that we would always be proud of him.

Once the train left the station I looked for my two remaining children who weren't beside me. Jasmine was with her cousin Harry's and Ginny's daughter Lily. Blaise was talking to Ted (Teddy) and Ron's & Hermione's son Hugo. Draco hugged me around the waist as we watched our children.

After saying goodbye to everyone we dropped Blaise and Jasmine off at Draco's parents house for the weekend. Draco got called into work and I had the day off. I went to Diagon Alley to catch up with a few old school friends. Then I got an owl from Charlie in Romania dragon was pregnant and they wanted me to check its health.

I apperated to his workplace and did my job. While I was there I checked on Norberta (Norbert) and the four dragons from the triwizard tournaments. Before I went home I checked on the Ukrainian Ironbelly that saved my brother and his friends from Gringotts 19 years ago. Its wounds were all healed and it no longer had chains around its neck. It enjoyed being free living by a lake in peace.

That night Draco and I had a lovely dinner before cuddling each other on the couch. We were talking about our Hogwarts experience when Scorpius's owl flew through the open window. It gave Draco a letter while I gave it a treat. Scorpius was sorted into Slytherin house whilst his two cousins were sorted into Gryffindor (Albus) and Ravenclaw (Rose). We fell asleep on the couch proud of our oldest son being in one of our houses.

The End


When the twins finally went to school Blaise was sorted into into Gryffindor and Jasmine was put in Ravenclaw. Hugo and Lily were both put in Gryffindor.

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