Chapter 2

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I stuffed my folder in my bag and stood up, slinging it over my shoulder and heading out of the classroom and into the hallway, going outside in the chilly autumn air. It's been a week since Halloween and a week of constantly being haunted by that man I saw in the woods.

"Hey Erin, party tonight, you there?" Adam ran up to me and pulled me back to stop.

"Umm," I thought about it. "No I can't. I have to write a paper that's due tomorrow." I continued walking as he followed me.

"We don't have class tomorrow."

"I'm getting an early start," I said, hearing my phone ding, pulling it out and looking at the screen to find a message from Chase asking me to go to the party too. I don't even drink anything at these parties. Why are they inviting me to them?

"Really? You usually write your pap-"

"Look," I looked at him. "I'm not up for partying today but if I do feel like it later, I will come. I'll make sure Sammy is there though."

"Thanks Erin. You're the best," he patted me on the back and jogged off, catching up with some of his friends he found.

I continued walking and felt a breeze blow past me. It was a huge gust of wind that almost knocked me off of my feet. What the hell was that?

Many people stopped and looked around to see if they found the cause to the wind. Nothing was found. It was weird because it was a slight breeze and then a huge gust of wind and back to the slow wind.

I looked over to every building and didn't find anything. The gust of wind had a specific scent to it. It smelt of that same smell of that man I found in the woods. But how? And how did he find me?

I quickly walked back to my dorm, almost jogging with people staring at me. I made it back to my dorm, locking the door as soon as I got in. I went over to the window and looked out of it, searching the entire court yard for his red eyes but found none. I shut my curtains and opened my laptop, turning on some music to calm my nerves. What if it actually was him?

I shook my head and went on Facebook, looking at endless statuses about the problems with everyone. It's honestly annoying but I couldn't help my self with seeing all the girls I went to school with get pregnant and become trash or go off to Uni. At least 10 girls were already married and 20 were pregnant or already had a kid.

I heard the door open and I looked over to see Sammy walk in with Hailey right on her tail. I hated Hailey. She was only here to have sex and start drama. She was even failing all of her classes. It's surprise how they haven't kicked her out yet.

"Hey Erin, you coming to the party tonight," Sammy asked, digging through her closet to find her party clothes. The party didn't start for another 4 hours but Sammy liked to go clubbing before a party. Like I said, we are complete opposites.

"No I don't feel very good," I said, keeping my focus on my laptop.

"Awww. I think Chase wants you there," she pouted.

"Yeah he texted me," I kept scrolling.

"Wait, you and Chase," Hailey butted in. She hadn't had sex with Chase yet so she probably wanted to know if he was available. She would open her legs for anyone.

"No," I shook my head, rolling my eyes.

"Oh." I could hear the smirk in her voice.

"Erin, you have to go. It'll be so much fun," Sammy cheered, changing into her outfit.

"I don't feel like it Sam," I groaned, trying to get her nagging-self off my back.

"Is this about the thing you saw last week?"

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