Chapter 15

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Harry took off into the woods and I got in his car, realizing he had the keys and hitting the steering wheel. I grabbed my phone and called the only number I had from Harry's tribe, Louis. I was so shaken that I could barely keep my phone up to my ear.

"What the fuck do you want?"

"Harry," I tried to breathe through my tears. "Harry just killed children and I-" Breath. "He ran off and I don't know where I am."

"Describe where you are."

"I'm at an old house where an old woman lives." I looked over at the children. "There was children playing outside and Harry just... he killed all of them."

"I'm coming." He hung up and I looked back over at the children. They were so young. They didn't get to see the world yet.

I started to walk towards the woods and yell Harry's name but I couldn't hear anything. I always had a little bit of vampire power in me when I wasn't fully transformed. It was weird that none of it was in me now.

I heard a car come down the road and noticed the car looked like one in the garage. It slowed down and pulled into the drive way. The door opened and Louis stepped out along with Liam and Niall, tossing me a spare key. "Go look for him since this is your fault. We are gonna head into the woods to look then clean up the mess here."

I looked at the children. "Make sure you take care of them."

"This was your fault so whatever happens to them you can blame on yourself," Niall gave me a deadly glare and ran into the woods while the other two followed.

This really was all my fault and I had no solution to it other then finding something that didn't make me the one anymore or die. I shook my head, trying to shake back my tears but I couldn't. I got into Harry's car and pulled out, driving along the road very slowly. I didn't see anything and knew what I did would probably be the end of the tribe and start a huge war between my parents and everyone else. I had to fix it.

I eventually made it into the city and still didn't see people screaming and running from a building. He was probably planning to do something major.

I decided to head over to my parents apartment to see if he headed over there. I parked the car and ran into the building and into the elevator where I pressed the floor button and headed up. The door was broken open and I slowly entered, hearing nothing but silence. I turned on the light to see my parents tribe all laying on the floor, passed out. It wasn't until I stepped over 10 other guys that I found my parents, blood pooling out from them. I knew it was Harry.

I checked their pulse to see if they were still alive and thankfully they were but it was a slow heartbeat. I tried to wake them up but my mother didn't budge while my father was barely awake.

"Dad, what happened?"

"Harry attacked us," he coughed. "Get Cory over there. He's our healer." I looked over at the passed out boy and thought to myself why I should be healing my parents, the ones who want me dead. Why should I help them when they will just go back to killing me?

"I'm sorry," I had tears in my eyes at my decision but I had to go through with it. Having them not be my biggest problem means I can go back to a normal life. That's all I want right now. I also knew they would come back to kill Harry and I couldn't let them do that. So many people would die because of them. "I can't." I got up as my father was calling my name and begging me to come back but I left without looking back.

I headed back to my car and started to feel that feeling in my stomach. I tried to avoid it but I just kept wanting to get angry. And that's when I saw him. I found Harry and he was walking into a bar with blood all over his face. I raced over there and didn't bother to park the car. By the time I made it into the bar, it was too late and every single person there was dead. Harry was still there though, still sucking someone's blood.

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