Chapter 14

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"Will you both leave me alone while I am still in transition?" I picked at my nails, afraid of their response.

"I said until you're a fully developed vampire. You will not fully transition for years. Even if you pick Styles' side, it's fine with us because you'll still be suffering from the changes."

I nodded my head and stood up. "Well thank you for the advice but I think I'm gonna head back to my dorm." I stood up and headed for the door.

"You can't." I stopped in my tracks.

"And why is that?"

"We are cutting your funding for college. Unless you have money to pay for the rest of it. You can always take out a loan but it's too late for that now. Your funds needed to be paid a month ago."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying not to cry in front of my parents. "Good to know." I left the apartment, keeping my head down because I was crying.

I made it to the car and opened the door, getting in and ready to turn on the car but I decided not to and sit there and cry. My education was ruined. My future was ruined. I had no way of paying for my college and I will be stuck as a homeless transitioning vampire.

I put my hands to my face and sobbed in them until I felt a hand on my leg. I somehow knew this was Harry and didn't need to look. "Not now Harry."

"I'm here. Just don't go angry on me." He rubbed his thumb in circles on my leg.

"I won't." I wiped under my eyes and started the car. He put his hand on mine to stop me. I looked at him and felt a flash of anger shoot through my body. My blood thirst rose and I looked at Harry with hatred. "Get out!"

"Emaline," he said calmly. That word triggered something inside of me and I started to scream.

"I will kill you if you don't get out," I seethed. The alarms of all the cars near me were going off and the wind started to pick up. I was losing my humanity fast.

Harry quickly hugged me and flashes of what I did to those people came back which made me cry more. The car alarms stopped and the wind died down. I hugged him back very tightly as if he would blow away.

"Don't let go," I mumbled into his shirt. The anger flowed out of me as quickly as it came. I was back to normal and I let him go. "Thank you," I looked at him and he nodded.

I put the car into reverse and pulled out of my spot. I put it in drive and almost moved forward but chase was in front of my car. I hit the breaks hard. He smirked before walking over to the door.

I continued to drive when I realized something. My parents were trying to make me angry. They quit paying for me college and Chase just happen to be there right in front of the car. They want me so be in transitioning so I can kill more people. It was that easy to read.

"They're trying to get me to kill more people."

"I know. You can't give into them. They're going to keep pushing you until you snap." I swallowed hard, scared of the outcome that all of these could become.

"Too bad I told the Prime Minister that it's their fault that people die." I clenched my jaw. I was getting angry again so I grabbed Harry's hand and that calmed me down. This also had to mean something. Every time I lose control, he always brings me back. I don't know what it was but I think this is something big. Maybe we were that one couple.

"Where are we headed?"

"To my dorm to pick up my stuff then I don't know where."

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