Chapter 7

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"Erin calm down!"

"Calm down? Calm down? How can I calm down when I just made Chase fly 15 feet and somehow stab him with nothing?"

"Erin, I already explained to you once that you have powers." Harry sat down on my bed, grunting as he leaned back. He was still in pain from what happened.

"There is no such thing as powers Harry!" I gave him a dirty look and he fell to the floor again, screaming in pain. "How do I stop it?" I kneeled down and placed my hand on his chest. "Harry, I'm sorry! I don't know how to stop it!" He started to laugh and I knew he was faking it. "I hate you so much," I leaned back. He pulled me into him and I fell on top of him.

"You don't hate me," he smirked and leaned into me, placing his lips on mine and I kissed back. Even though I was freaking out, I could calm down to his lips.

"My my my what do we have here?" I looked up to see Sammy in the doorway. Shit.

I quickly got up and off of Harry, leaning against my bed. "Hey Sammy," I looked at her again and heard a laugh from the floor. I looked down to see Harry covering his mouth laughing and I kicked him in his side to make him shut up.

"I never thought it would be you two together," she smirked. I didn't think it would either.

"Sammy please don't tell anyone," I begged. Harry stood up and sat right next to me.

"You guys are so cute together! I should be telling everyone this!" She smiled big and I shook my head. I'm dating a vampire and she doesn't even know.

"You think so?" Harry smiled at me and laid his arm on my shoulders. I shrugged it off and shook my head again. This cannot be happening.

"You tell anybody about this, I'll tell the whole school about you and Mr. Arnsle." I smirked at her, knowing she would shut up.

"That was only for an A on that paper!"

"Wow wait. You had sex with a teacher," Harry questioned, scrunching up his face, confused.

"No!" Sammy pouted and cross her arms. All odds were turning on her now.

"Gave him a couple bjs actually," I laughed, seeing her face get bright red.

"Erin, shut up!"

"Wait what's a bj?" I looked at Harry with my mouth agape. How can he not know? He's such an attractive man, how can a girl not want to put a mouth on him? Wait, did I really just think that?!?

"It's a blowjob." He still looked confused. "It's where someone puts their mouth on your penis-"

"Oh you mean oral," he interrupted me.

"Yes but blowjob is a separate term for it," Sammy explained, covering her mouth to hide her laughing. I can't believe he didn't know what that was.

"Like going down on her means you made contact with your mouth to Erin's vagina-"

"Sammy, shut it!" I gave her a death glare.

"What? You're dating him now so he should know what you mean when you ask him that," she shrugged.

"We are not dating," I threw a pillow at her.

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