Chapter Six

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When you go and I'm alone. You live in my imagination.
The summertime and butterflies. All belong to your creation.


Taylor's POV

"Happy Birthday Harry!" We all greeted in chorus.

"Awww. Thanks guys! I love y'all!" Harry said with excitement and appreciation.

They all give their gifts to Harry. Harry received Gucci Clothes, Timex Watch, and more. Our friends have properties and their families are rich too.

"Harry. Come with me outside." I teased him.

"Hmp. Surprise me" He simply said with a grin on his face.

As he follows me outside, I pull out the car keys and he suddenly becomes suspicious about it.

"What's that, Is it a necklace, coins or something?" He asked with confusion.

"Really? Coins? Hahhaha. What the actual Haz."

"Okay. I'm excited. Can you please give it to me now?'" Harry asked with a gaze.

"Okay. Close you eyes."

He nodded as he closes his eyes. I put it.

"Now. Open"

His eyes gets bigger when he saw the key.

"What the heck is this?" He smiles widely.

"Keys for a BMW Car" I blinked at him and giggled quietly.

"Oh shoot! No way!?" He exclaimed and he hugs me so tight.

"Harry. I caaan't breathe." He pulls away from our hug and he still smiles happily.

"Oh my. Thank you so much! I'm so lucky to have a best friend like you! Omygosh. I love it. Thank you," He said to me with appreciation. His dimples appeared and my heart fluttered. He's just so perfect. His eyes so green, he's dimples when he smiles, his curly-brown hair and he's such a caring and loving person.

"Anything for you, love," I blinked at him and I was glad that he appreciated my gift. I really worked hard for it. But anyways, I'll do anything for him. I mean. His my best friend and I love him. I also love him more than best friends but I don't think he feels the same way because it seems like he's into Kendall.
Harry's POV

"So where's my car? I want to see it badly!" I exclaimed.

I really love her gift even though I didn't see it yet. I'm so thankful to have a best friend like that. Maybe that's why I fall inlove with her. She's utterly beautiful inside and out.

"The car is parked in our condo. Too excited to see your gift huh?," She smirked at me.


2 hours later....

"No way dude! A car! A BMW Car! That's like my graduation present from my parents!" Niall shouted with amusement.

They are all over-reacting. Selena said Taylor was planning for it for a month. Their squad even helped her to buy a car. I'm so honored.

The "Night Dance" will start in one hour. I'm so excited about it. Taylor will be my muse for tonight.

Me and the lads prepared for the night. Since it is my birthday, I wore the best outfit.

"Mate! You look good," Zayn complimented me.

"Yeah. Be careful, Taylor might fall in love with you," Liam warned me with sarcasm.

"Hahahha. No. We're just best friends," I smiled fakely.

"I can see the way she lopLouis tried to convince me.

"Yeah. We ship Haylor!" Liam shouted.

Taylor's POV

"Wow. You look stunning!" Cara said with amazement.

"Oh my Taylor! Harry might fall in love with you!?" Selena joked as everybody laughed.

"We need to take pictures!" Gigi pulls her phone out from her pocket and started capturing selfies.

"You ready guys? I'm excited. I can't wait," Karlie pulled out her phone to check the time.

"It's 7pm! The 'Night Dance' will start in a few minutes!" Karlie added.

"Come on. Get your lazy asses up. Let's have fun tonight." They nodded as we go out in our room to meet the boys.


"Wow. Taylor... You look..." Harry pauses.

"You look.... You... You're breathtaking," He grabs my hand slowly as our fingers interwined.

I blushed. I tried to look down. It's too embarrassing to blush in front of him. I don't wanna be obvious.

"Thanks. You look handsome today, birthday boy," I winked at him while we entered the ballroom. Couples were surrounded everywhere. It's like there's are a hundred of couples who were inloved with each other. The ballroom was filled in love and joy.

The night dance started so our friends took the dance-floor leaving me and Harry behind. I'm trying to refuse to look at him. Whenever I look at him, I've got goosebumps all over my skin. He's breathtaking as well.

"Uhm. Taylor. I want to thank you again for your gift," Harry puts his hands to my waist. And he whispered, "Let's dance. Will you be my muse?".

"Sure. It's my pleasure to." I accepted his offer as I grabbed his hands and walked into the dancefloor.

We were surrounded by couples. I think we're the only who's not a couple, best friends somehow.

"Let's just pretend were together," He whispered near to my ear which made my blush and smile widely.

"Hmmm. I'm good in acting."

We were enjoying the night. Until He cuts our dance, "Hey. Mind to come with me? I want to ask you something."

"Uh. Sure." I'm pretty confused about what he'll be asking as we leave the ballroom.

(At the rooftop of the hotel)

"Taylor. Can I---uhm. Can you do me a favor?" He shyly asked as he wraps his arms around me.

"Yeah. Just go on," I faked a smile 'cause I'm nervous about what he'll tell me.

"I want to... Uhh-I want you to take my first kiss," He gets closer to my face.

"What?" My voice cracked in shock.

"I said I want you to take my first kiss," He bites his lips.

"Are you sure about this Harry?"

"Yes," He firmly said.

I licked my lips while I get closer to him. I wrap my arms into his neck as he wraps his arms into my waist. We slowly closed our eyes. Our lips are crashing and he suddenly moves his lips into my bottom lips. Kissing him was like it's our moment, it's like I was safe in his arms. I can't help but smile through our kiss. We kissed again as I can feel our heartbeat beating so fast. We break through our kiss. As we open our eyes, His eyes were connected to mine.

"That was the best. It was fun. Thank you for that. Thank you for being my best friend. Thank you for everything." He pulls me into a hug as I hugged him back.

AN: Sorry for the late update🙈 I need to study bc were having our midterms this week 💀

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