Evan's Late Night Visit

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Tomorrow I was leaving my life in New York to stay for three months in Japan. It was odd leaving the life I loved so much to start an adventure together with a man I didn't like that much. I was still doing it though. I must have lost my mind when I made that decision, but I told myself I didn't regret anything, and I honestly still didn't. It would be a step forward in my career, making me like my job again.

I was leaving the cab, entering the restaurant where I was meeting Nick and his girlfriend Emily. The famous Emily who melted his heart and made Evan and Nick rekindle their brotherly love. Smiling I reached their table and held my hand out to the dark-haired girl looking very pregnant.

"Hi Emily, I'm Zoey." I told her when she shook my hand, "Nice to finally meet you."

"Nice to meet you, Zoey."

We both took a seat, I felt Emily take me in as she pretended to go over the menu Nick handed her. I didn't mind it though, I knew I'd do the same if I was dating a guy like Nick. A girl needed to make sure the women in her man's life weren't a threat like Anna had been. So I let her do her scan of me while I also went through my menu.

"So when is the baby due?" I asked, curious to know when Nick would become a dad and his free time would be completely gone.

Nick smiled as he glanced at his girl, "In four months." He answered without hesitation, "Evan has to be here since he said he wouldn't miss the birth of his namesake. So I think we planned things right."

I nearly dropped my menu when he said that so cheerfully, "You're naming your baby after Evan?" I asked him as if he lost his mind, "You serious about that?"

Emily laughed closing her menu, her eyes warming up to me, "We're together because of Evan." She told me, "We owe a lot to him."

"Yeah?" I wasn't convinced though, "Isn't it confusing to have two Evans around?" I also closed my menu since made my decision for lunch, "Besides one is clear enough." I muttered, yet Emily and Nick still heard me, both grinning at me.

"Evan made a bad impression," Nick informed his girl.

She met his gaze, "I can tell." She whispered back.

Nick glanced back at me, "Our boy will be called Matthew Evan Woods, so it's not that confusing."

Emily wasn't letting my dislike toward Evan go, "So what happened between you and Evan?" She asked curiously.

We paused our conversation when the waiter approached our table to take our order. After we placed our order and the waiter left the table we continued our conversation. Emily's eyes sparkling, letting me know she wouldn't drop the conversation until I told her everything.

"Nothing much."

Emily narrowed her eyes on me, "I'm sure you wouldn't dislike Evan for no reason. Something must have happened."

Nick reached for his water, "One night at the club Zoey witnessed something she wasn't supposed to, I assume it cut her deep." He sipped from his water, pretending he didn't say anything at all.

Emily's face lit up as she leaned forward, "What did you witness?"

My cheeks heat up as I remembered the scene from two years ago.

The music was loud, people having a good time on the dance floor and me sitting in a booth together with Nick and a few other friends in the VIP section. I got up with my clutch in hand to head to the bathroom. Walking through the dark hallway I reached the ladies room and entered, the room was completely empty at least I thought it was. As I stood by the sink to freshen up I dropped my lipstick when erotic sounds echoed through the room. Turning around I glanced down to see black leather shoes which obviously didn't belong to a woman. Then I heard a woman moaning Evan's name, but she wasn't alone. Not being able to grasp how three people could fit into a stall so small I spun around, washed my hands, the sounds alarming the people in the stall. I heard female giggles and Evan's chuckle. I would have let it go if he left it at that, but cheeky Evan left the stall, his hands fumbling with his belt as his gaze met mine. His eyes were clouded, lipstick smeared across his lips. It made my heart drop to my stomach seeing him disheveled like that by women who had no self-respect at all.

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