Suspicious Text

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A week went by fast and even though I was sad my time with Laurel was going to end, I also liked that time was just flying by. It meant that Evan and I could go home soon. Emily was going to give birth soon, I knew Evan didn't want to miss that. And there was also my parents who we needed to deal with. Dad wasn't going to be happy about the fact that Evan and I were dating. I wanted to tell him off, but Evan told me we were going to deal with it together. That it would be alright. He didn't know my parents, but I wanted to believe him. I wanted to believe we could have our happily ever after where everything was perfect.

"Zoey, are you even listening to me?"


Laurel shook her head at me, "Of course you're not listening to me." She muttered.

"I'm sorry, there were some things on my mind." I reached for my cup and sipped from my green tea, "What were you saying?"

"I was saying that I saw that text and I couldn't ignore it!" Laurel sounded exasperated which caught my attention, "I mean how was I going to ignore that? I didn't question him about it, but I think he didn't realize I saw it in the first place. I did kind of sneak a peek, you know."

I wasn't understanding a word she was saying. She was talking fast, so fast I think she didn't even catch her breath. She was making big hand gestures, obviously upset about whatever text she saw. She also referred to a 'him', so I was going to assume she was talking about Evan. I needed to calm her down so she could tell me exactly what about my boyfriend upset her like that.

"Laurel, take a deep breath, please." She pushed Laurel's glass of water toward her, "And take a sip. You need to calm down because you're making no sense at all. You're worrying me and I'd like to know what I'm worried about."

Laurel did take a deep breath and reached for her water. Gulping it down, she placed the glass back down and let out a tired, long sigh.

"Okay, the other day when we were having dinner at your apartment, Evan left his phone on the table while he helped you do the dishes. He didn't realize he left the screen unlocked and I couldn't help myself. He left a text open which was from a girl named Priscilla. I couldn't read all of it, but I did read the words I miss you so much and I wish you were here, love you lots." Laurel shook her head, "Sounds like some teenager who has an obsession with him. Anyway, a girl was texting him crap like that!"

I didn't want to accuse Evan of anything, Evan was very social, it could be a text from a friend. He was close to Emily and I knew he'd never go there. He was faithful, yet the little doubt I had was making me lose my mind just like Laurel had a second ago.

"You shouldn't have gone through his phone," I muttered, clenching my fist, trying to keep my emotions at bay.

"I didn't even touch his phone, I more or less hovered over it to read the text."

I smirked at Laurel who tried to make it sound like she did nothing wrong. I knew she only did it because she was my girl, wanting to make sure my boyfriend didn't do anything wrong. But I had to be rational about it. She did invade his privacy.


"I know." She rolled her eyes at me, "It wasn't right, but screw that! Who is the girl?" Laurel asked me, a question I couldn't answer, because I had no freaking clue, "Don't you want to know?"

I did want to know, but I wasn't going to invade his privacy and go through his texts. I had to be grown-up about it and face Evan. Ask him straight out who the girl was. And also apologize for the fact that my girl read his text.

"I'll ask him," I told Laurel.

She slumped back in her chair, "You will?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I want us to work." I admitted to Laurel, but she already knew that. It was why she came to see me in the first place. She was my moral support, talking some sense into me if Evan wasn't right for me.

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