Sexy Black Dress

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Evan's friends had arrived this morning, he was having breakfast with them at the hotel while I had breakfast with Chris. It was odd that Chris picked me over the guys, but something told me Chris was the type of guy who looked more peaceful scenes. I didn't mind at all, because I enjoyed his company. We were seated on the floor, sipping miso soup.

"You all set for tonight?"

Grabbing my chopsticks I popped a piece of fried tofu in my mouth and stirred my rice around, "Yes, I guess. I mean all I have to do is be around, take pictures and write about it." I finished my soup and focused on my rice and tofu, "I'm sure Nick will give me feedback when he arrives Monday."

"Maybe." Chris leaned against the couch, "I know feedback is always good to improve, but I think you're doing great so far, so don't doubt yourself too much."

I smiled, "Thanks, I love the positivity. It will definitely help me prepare for meeting the guys."

Chris' lips curled up to a smirk, "Bunch of drunk guys wanting to have a good time, yeah I think you need to prepare yourself for that. I made sure the VIP room is set only for the party. They can do whatever the hell they want in there without ruining my club's image."

"You think they'll be that wild?"

Chris raised an eyebrow at me, "You have no idea. Evan is a nice guy and all and he has mellowed down ever since Emily and Nick became a serious thing, but every once in a while he lets loose. That means tons of shots, women, and mistakes."

I tried not to show it, but hearing about Evan's plans for tonight made my heart drop to my stomach. Evan didn't give women much attention since we settled in, but I guess tonight he was going to let go and have a good time. It made me want to think of an excuse not to go so I didn't have to witness it again. Last time it cut me deep, I didn't know why then, but I know now. Clearing my throat I focused on my breakfast instead. Trying to shake off the bad thoughts, hoping Chris didn't catch my 'someone ran over my cat' expression. I did feel his eyes on my face, but he didn't comment on it. If he did catch on he was being a gentleman about it and keeping his mouth shut.

"Hikari will be there too so I'm sure you'll be alright." Chris continued, changing the subject easily, "You know if hanging out with the guys get too much you can always chill with her in my office."

Chris was a good guy, I really hoped that this girl would appreciate him. Anna was a fool for leaving a guy like him.

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind."

Chris headed to the club after breakfast while I took a minute to myself. Laying down on my bed, I closed my eyes and tried to talk myself into being positive tonight. I wouldn't show anyone my disappointment in Evan when he banged women in bathroom stalls again. He didn't belong to me, he had every right to have a good time tonight. If I disapproved of his lifestyle I'd be just like my dad who criticized me because he didn't understand. Things that didn't fit into the boxed he created in his mind was bad. I didn't want to be like that. Exhaling deeply I opened my eyes and sat up, I could do this. I wouldn't even pay attention to Evan. I would have a good time, letting the guys run wild while I did my own thing. If things got too much I'd keep Chris and Hikari company in the office and everything would be fine. No one's night would be ruined. I could definitely do that.


Clasping my strappy heels, I got up from my bed and glanced at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a long black strappy dress which split at the side, showing a lot of leg. So much it was way too daring, but I didn't care. I told myself I wouldn't mind Evan trolling around, but this dress was actually my shield. I knew I would look good even if my face would scrunch up in disgust, a lot.

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