His Dirty Girl

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Back in New York, we settled down in our own apartments, putting our luggage away and cleaning up. Well, I cleaned up my own apartment I didn't know if Evan hired someone to do it. To me, he seemed like the type of guy who'd do it himself though. In Tokyo, he always took care of his own stuff too. The mundane things like that had me curious. I knew for a fact that Evan could cook, he didn't make the most complicated things, but the dishes he could make were good. He also loved to take care of the people around him and according to Nick before Evan and I started dating he'd always hang out at their place, keeping Emily company. Reaching for my phone I called my boyfriend, knowing even though he was probably getting some work done he'd still answer.

"Hey, you," I said once he answered the phone.

"Hey, Zo." He called back, sounding amused with me, "What's up?"

"You busy?"

I heard movement and background noises which told me he was probably outside, heading somewhere.

"I just finished a meeting with Nick, I'm heading to your apartment actually."

I smiled spread across my face, liking the fact that Evan couldn't stay away from me. I wanted him near too, liking his company very much. It probably wasn't healthy wanting to spend so much time with only one person. We needed to let other people in too.

"How about we head to Emily's?"

"I should probably call her to make sure she's at home."

"You do that while I bake something. I think I should bring a cake."

"I'll be at your apartment in twenty," Evan told me and then ended the call.

Placing my phone down on the coffee table I headed to the kitchen and started grabbing the products I needed. Instead of baking a cake which would take a bit too long for my liking, I decided to bake sugar cookies instead. They were easy to make and still delicious over a hot beverage. According to Evan Emily had a tea obsession, so I was sure she'd appreciate the effort.

While the cookies were in the oven I cleaned the kitchen and vacuumed the apartment. Evan arrived a few minutes later and grinned at me as he entered the apartment.

"Smells good in here, Zoey."

"I baked cookies instead." I told him, taking my hair out of the bun and running my fingers through it, "They'll be done in a few minutes. What did Emily say?"

"She's at home, can't wait for us to come over. Said we should stay for dinner."

"She's cooking?"

Evan shook his head, "Too uncomfortable. They'll order in."

Settling on the couch Evan took his laptop out and tried to get some work done while I watched TV. Glancing at my boyfriend I watched him type away, his eyes focused on his screen and nothing else. I was annoyed with myself feeling hot and bothered just by looking at Evan being in work mode. I didn't want to bother him, yet I couldn't stay away from him either. I wanted to touch him, kiss him and do other things to him. I think he felt the change in me because he looked up and narrowed his eyes on me.


"Are you busy?"

He chuckled, his eyes gleaming amusingly, "You've asked me that question as well when you called me. It's okay to tell me what's on your mind."

I reached for him, placing my hand against his chest, "What's on my mind is a bit time-consuming."

He knew exactly what I wanted, "What about your cookies?"

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