Rose Tea

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Emily and Nick were arriving in a few hours, I was finishing off breakfast with Evan. Trying to get our stories straight. We hadn't discussed our relationship yet, but what we couldn't deny was the fact that we were into each other. Physically. We couldn't be like that in front of our friends, because they'd ask questions which we couldn't answer. We had to figure out what we wanted till we explained ourselves so for now, we'd keep our attraction for each other to ourselves.

"When is your friend coming over?" Evan asked, getting to his feet to clean up our dishes.

I got up as well and walked over to the sink, ready to wash our dishes while Evan did the drying, "This Friday. She'll fly back to the states Wednesday."

"She's not staying long." Evan was drying everything and putting them back to where they belonged, "Doesn't she want to explore Tokyo?"


"Girl talk, I got it."

I didn't want him to get it, he wasn't supposed to know Laurel was coming over to talk about him.

"No, she's just paying me a visit. Make sure I'm okay."

He wasn't buying it, his eyes were alight with amusement, "Right. Of course, she is."

"She really is!"

He held up his hands, a massive grin spread across his face, "Okay, I believe you. No need to get so defensive."

I narrowed my eyes on him, his cheerful smug look making me scrunch my nose. He didn't believe me at all and he shouldn't because I was obviously making things up. But to respect my wishes he could at least not gloat.

"You're not getting any tonight," I whispered, pushing him aside while I dried my hands.

That made the smile drop from his face. He leaned with his hip against the counter, while his eyes pierced mine, "I was getting laid tonight?" He asked, suddenly sounding very serious.

Putting the towel away I moved to the living room, taking a seat on my nice rug, putting my laptop back on the table to check my blog and other important messages.

"You're not getting any now." I sang to him.

He followed me to the living room, taking a seat right beside me. It was hard not to smile, knowing my tactic to get back at him for gloating worked. There was no way I could deny him if he tried to woo me. I had to be honest with myself and just admit it already, I longed for him. After our night together I definitely couldn't deny him.

"I think we should revisit and revise."

I titled my head to the side and pouted my lips, pretending like I was thinking about it, "Should we?"

His eyes scanned my face, he was taking his time before he answered me. I was pretty sure he was analyzing the situation, going back to the first time I mentioned he wasn't getting any tonight. I think I was right to assume that because his lips curled up to a smirk while he leaned closer to me. Gently he placed his lips against my neck, giving me a soft kiss there and slowly trailing his lips up till he reached my ear. His lips brushed against my ear, his breath giving me shivers.

"I think you're messing with me, Zo." He whispered to me.

I couldn't answer him because he was right, I was indeed messing with him. He placed his hand on my cheek and turned my head, making me look at him. He looked anything but smug or amused. His eyes were burning with dark promises. Without thinking I leaned in, pressing my lips against his. Evan kissed me back, but slow and soft. It was like he was savoring it. Like he'd never kiss me again. The thought made me desperate. Wrapping my arms around his neck I pulled him closer, trying to deepen the kiss. It made him chuckle. He gently pulled away, his nose brushing against mine before he looked me in the eyes.

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