The Morning After

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Rolling to my side, my eyes snapped open when my hand touched heated skin. I let my eyes travel over Evan's naked skin. My breathing hitching in my throat when I noticed the red marks across his bare chest. I couldn't remember it getting so wild last night, but as I shifted I noticed the ache between my legs. A soft whine left my lips causing Evan to stir. He rolled to his back, his eyes still closed, his breathing still even and deep. I was still safe, I could observe him a little longer. I let my eyes travel down his visible arm, noticing scratch marks running down the length. My god, I did a number on him last night and I couldn't remember most of it. If there were no marks nor the dull ache between my legs I would have assumed it was just a dream I had. Rolling away from Evan I scanned the room. The room was light so I figured I slept through the morning. I didn't know if Evan had plans, but if he did he was probably missing out on them. I didn't have the heart to wake him so I quietly sneaked out of bed, reached for Evan's dress shirt and walked into the bathroom, closing the door quietly behind me. As I approached the mirror I took a minute to observe myself. I hadn't buttoned up the shirt so I could see all the red marks Evan left all over my neck and chest. Thankfully I brought my concealer and foundation so I could cover those up. My hair was a bloody mess, it was tangled and all over the place. As I scanned my face I noticed how tired I looked, my make-up could cover that up as well. There was nothing I could do about my swollen lips, we just had to deal with that. Turning around I adjusted the water to the right temperature and let Evan's shirt drop to the floor. I shampooed and conditioned my hair and got out of the shower once I was all cleaned up. Drying my body I wrapped myself up in a white fluffy towel and pinned my wet hair up. Leaving the bathroom I quietly entered the bedroom to see Evan sitting on the edge of the bed, only wearing his boxers.

"Morning." He greeted.

"Morning." I greeted back, unsure of how to approach him.

The embarrassment slowly crept up on me, making me cross my arms in front of my chest as I somehow tried to cover up. I didn't know what Evan remembered, but I'm sure he saw it all. When I narrowed my eyes on him I could tell he looked rather amused, he remembered it all, alright.

"I have to get ready." He told me.


He got up and scanned the room for his clothes, "I'm having breakfast with the guys this morning." He found his pants and headed the bathroom, knowing I used his shirt, "You should join us."

Spinning around I faced Evan who had his pants on but unzipped and opened. His shirt was also unbuttoned and opened, he was showing a lot of skin. It wasn't like he had a long way to go, his apartment was right across mine. The full hit of seeing him with my marks did weird things to my body. I wanted to reach over, push my hand in his boxers and get him ready to have another go. The intent must have been clear in my eyes because he licked his lips, running a hand down his chest. He was tempted, I could tell. My breathing picked up when he stepped closer to me, his hand resting upon my shoulder as he leaned in, brushing his lips lightly against mine.

"You joining us?'



He kissed me more firmly and released me, letting his fingers brush over my marks across my chest. The heath in his eyes intense as he bit his lower lip. He definitely wanted to stay but he couldn't. So instead of giving in I slightly pushed him away, my eyes dancing with amusement.

"We'll have to get ready."

"I know."

"When are you meeting the guys?"

"In half an hour at the hotel."

That worried me, "Okay, I need to get ready like now!" Rushing past Evan I opened the closet and started putting together an outfit, "I need to cover up some marks and dry my hair. Get my makeup done-"

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