Amazing Evan

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Yesterday had been eventful, I had a lot of fun with Evan on the plane even though for a second I believed he ditched me to hook up with a flight attendant in the bathroom because apparently, that was his thing. Instead, he ditched the woman and kept me company. I could honestly say that Evan was a good friend, he cared about me. He showed me he cared when he made sure I was all set up before he left so I could rest. Then my parents interfered, bringing me down and I curled up in a ball and watched a Japanese drama which I actually loved. I didn't have any subtitles so I didn't have a clue what was going on, but it still brought a smile upon my face. Maybe in a few weeks, I would pick up some words and actually understand the language a little better, then I could fully enjoy my Japanese dramas.

After getting my hair done and polishing up my makeup I texted Evan to let him know I was ready to have breakfast. A few minutes later a loud knock echoed through my apartment, letting me know Evan was here to pick me up. Opening the door I greeted him with a big smile.


Evan looked surprised to see me in a good mood which made me wonder if he heard my conversation last night. He couldn't have, I wasn't screaming at my parents. The walls weren't paper thin.

"Morning." He greeted back which felt like an eternity, "We'll go to the little coffee shop around the corner. Chris will meet us there, he's running a bit late, but I'm sure we can entertain ourselves for a bit."

"I'm sure we can."

Locking my door I placed my keys in my bag and followed after Evan who headed toward the elevator. As he walked I observed his back. Evan was tall, I think the same height as Nick. He was six foot something with broad shoulders and biceps. His suits always made him look powerful, intimidating and unapproachable. But then he'd flash you his cheeky grin and you'd wonder about the possibilities. Evan pushed the elevator button and stepped aside to let me stand beside him, his eyes searching mine as I quietly stood beside him.

"Something on your mind?"

"What's your height?"

His eyebrows drew together as I asked that random out of the blue question, "Six foot and three inches, why?"

"Nick the same height?"

"I think he is a bit taller, I never asked." Evan sounded amused, "What's with the random questions?"

"I just wondered." I admitted to him, "You're a lot taller than I am."

Evan chuckled, "The height difference won't be an issue though if you're wondering."

I felt stupid for not knowing what he was referring to until the question left my mouth, then I pieced it together and blushed like a tomato, "What do you mean?"

Thankfully the elevator arrived and we both had to step inside. Evan pushed the button to the ground floor and stepped back, standing with me close to the wall, leaving enough space for other people if they were to take the elevator. Since our apartment was on the fifteenth floor it took a few minutes for us to arrive at the ground floor due to people entering the elevator. Once the door opened Evan placed his hand on my lower back and gently led me out of the building. Then he stepped away from me and walked in front of me to lead the way and like before I followed after him. It gave me time to observe him quietly, but that also messed with my head. I couldn't help but to think that Evan was a handsome guy and if he wasn't so adventurous with his women I would have liked him a lot more, I would have probably made my move. But Evan didn't do relationships and he didn't do normal. He liked his weird sexual experiences.

"You coming or what?" He asked as he glanced over his shoulder to make sure I was still following him.

I quickened my pace to walk beside him. Reaching the coffee shop he held the door open for me and let me step inside first, being a real gentleman. He closed the door behind him and headed to an empty table by the window. He reached inside his jacket, taking out his wallet.

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