Praising Him

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We just got back from Tokyo and didn't even have time to settle in and meet up with friends again. Evan never even left my apartment to drop his suitcase off to his, he stayed with me while we arranged a trip to my parents' house. I didn't want to pay them a visit that fast, but Evan assured me that it was time. I had been putting it off for too long, which was true. But things changed since the last time I spoke to them. Last time I assured my father Evan was just a friend and now he was coming along with me, as my boyfriend. I dreaded meeting them, but as I glanced aside at my calm looking boyfriend I could tell he didn't mind this trip at all. He looked excited about it. It hurt seeing him like that. He was going to get disappointed. Reaching for his hand I gently held it and leaned in, pressing a kiss to his jaw.

"Whatever happens, just know that I love you no matter what. I don't care about anyone's opinion about us."

Evan wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me to his side, never slowing down his pace. We were walking to our gate, needing to check in. He kissed my head and then pulled away, ready to check in. He helped me check in as well and then rushed with me onto the plane.

"I don't care about what people think of us being together either." He told me, "But we owe it to your parents to at least tell them in person and if they disagree, that's fine. At least we showed them the respect they deserve."

"How can you be so perfect but flawed at the same time?"

Evan raised a sharp dark eyebrow at me, "You think I'm flawed?" He asked amused.

We found our seats in first class which wasn't that hard since everyone seemed eager to help. Evan let me sit down first and then followed. I leaned back in the comfy chair and pulled my scarf away, using it as a blanket and I got as comfortable as possible. Maybe I could squeeze in a nap. I needed to be wide awake when we met up with my parents.

"You are." I told him without hesitation, "But so am I. We're humans, we're anything but perfect. I'm sure you can name tons of things about me which annoys you. My weaknesses and things I need to work on. And I can name one thing about you which absolutely annoys me, but I also understand why you're behaving like that."

He sighed, knowing exactly what I was talking about, "Priscilla."

"I'm just saying that I get why you're behaving the way you are, but I also don't get it. Just tell her you miss her and you want to see her more often. Why can't you even tell her? What are you afraid of?" I asked him, speaking quietly because I knew it was a sensitive subject, "I really want to know. But if it has a deeper meaning going way back into your childhood, I also know that you're not ready to talk." I leaned closer to him, leaning my elbow against the armrest and leaning my chin against my palm while looking into his eyes, "Would you be upset if I contacted her? Asking her to come over when she can so I can introduce myself to her, personally?"

"I told you she'll be coming over sooner or later for Emily and Nick-"

"I want her to come over for you." I told him firmly, "I love Emily and Nick, but you're more important."

He leaned his head back against his chair and closed his eyes, a very long, tired sigh leaving his lips, "Fine, you can contact her. Just don't tell her to do anything. Just let her know you want to meet with her, that's it. If she comes over, she comes over. If not then we'll wait for her."

That was at least something. I thought he'd get upset with me being so forward, I guess I was wrong. Evan understood why I wasn't letting go of the subject. He knew I only pressed him because I wanted what was best for him. The same he was doing to me right now. Pressing me to see my parents because he knew I needed to have some closure. We would help each other, we'd grow stronger together. Smiling I leaned in once more and pressed a kiss to his pulse, causing him to snap his eyes open and stare at me in shock.

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