First Night in Tokyo

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Not once in my life did I fly first class, I always thought it was ridiculous. Why waste money on such a luxury? Today I had no choice though, Nick was the one who prepared my flight and it was first class. Beige leather seats in their own cubicle with a nice HD screen across it to watch movies. My cubicle was right next to Evan's, but there was a small white screen between us, not hiding much but giving us enough privacy to feel like you were alone. Taking a seat in my cubicle I glanced aside, meeting Evan's huge grin. He was wearing fitted charcoal gray slacks with a lighter gray dress shirt, no tie, and no jacket. The first buttons of his shirt were undone, showing off his skin. I couldn't help but stare and he noticed. Thankfully he didn't comment on it, I suppose he was used to it. Instead, his grin got bigger while he took a seat in his cubicle, getting comfortable. Unlike me, he was used to this.

"I advise you to get comfortable, it's a long fight."

I kicked off my flats, untied my hair making it fall down to my back. Running my fingers through my hair I made sure all the knots were out of it and shook it a few times. Like Evan, I also ditched my jacket and reached for my bag to get my laptop out.

Evan laughed at that, "So you getting comfortable is letting your hair down, kicking off your shoes and get back to work?"

I glanced aside, responding with a grin of my own, "I love to write and I do need to let my followers know that I'm off to Tokyo for three months." I put my laptop beside me, making sure it was safe on the small table and got on my knees on my seat to look over the small white screen, holding onto it as I peeked inside Evan's cubicle, "Want to take a picture with me?"


Putting my flats back on I walked around and got a seat on Evan's lap. He wasn't uncomfortable with it so I assumed I wasn't crossing any lines here. I was about to take a picture of us when he stopped a flight attendant and asked her to take the picture for us instead. She smiled brightly, something in her eyes making me feel embarrassed. When I glanced over my shoulder I noticed that Evan returned her look. I was the minute the picture was taken those two would disappear for the rest of the flight. I was well aware Evan could make things work in small spaces. Trying to brush it off I looked back at the woman and smiled as she took our picture. She handed me back my phone, throwing another flirty look over her shoulder as she disappeared to the hall which led to the bathrooms. Quickly getting off Evan's lap I pretended not to see anything. Taking a seat in my cubicle I focused on getting the picture online even though the WIFI was crap. Glancing up from my phone I noticed Evan following into the direction of the flight attendant. I wouldn't see him in a while. I hated that knowing Evan was fucking a random flight attendant in a bathroom stall made my heart squeeze painfully. It shouldn't matter to me, he was single like Nick mentioned before. Evan could do whatever he wanted. Turning my phone off I put it in my bag and reached for my laptop to finish up writing my first blog post about Tokyo. What surprised me was when I was about to finish up the third sentence, Evan walked back to his seat and got comfortable again.

"No fun in a small stall?" I asked him, not being able to shut down my curiosity.

Evan chuckled, "Didn't feel like leaving you alone." He admitted to me, "I got her number though, maybe we can work things out when we land."

I rolled my eyes at him, "I'll be fine on my own, Evan. It's not me you should worry about." I glanced around.

He smirked, "It's fine, so how is your blog post coming along?"

"I've only finished a few sentences." I glanced back at my screen, "It's fine though."

While I finished up my post-Evan talked about his friendship with Emily and Nick. I loved hearing him talk about it because he was actually happy, his eyes warming up every time he mentioned either one of them. He was excited about the baby, his namesake.

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