chapter 1: New start.

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"Its over. Yes all over. For god sake, you don't ever listen, ITS OVER!" I shouted down the phone on that dreary afternoon. He never listened. 'He' was my brother, and he wanted to break up with his big boobed fat bummed girlfriend Lindsay. And as per usual, I was in charge with the dirty work.

Lindsay, was not a very nice girl. I think her false eyelashes were putting too much pressure of her pea sized brain. My friends and I, call her large-dsy because everything on her is big; eyelashes, boobs bum... do I need to go on? 

I'm Mackenzie by the way, Mackenzie Connor.

My family is kind of big. There's my dad, Oliver (oldest brother), Jay (second oldest), Max (third oldest), Tom, Tyrone (the younger twin brothers) and me. Yes im a girl. And yes I have 2 older brothers and 2 younger ones.

The brother I was talking about previously was max. He's 17 and he is the lady's man. If he hasn't got a girl on his arm then he is slumped on the couch watching stupid romantic comedies. 

However my oldest brother, Oliver, he's 19 and is a goody two shoes. He's all about A star grades and getting the best in life, and that's good, but he doesn't ever go out with mates. He's a bit of a loner, to be honest. But whatever floats your boat,  i guess. 

Jay is 18 and is the most protective of them all. He always knows what im doing and has to but in when he thinks im going to be getting into trouble. He doesn't live with us though, but he likes to pay us surprise visits!

To"Its over. Yes all over. For god sake, you don't ever listen, ITS OVER!" I shouted down the phone on that dreary afternoon. He never listened. 'He' was my brother, and he wanted to break up with his air head girlfriend Lindsay. And as per usual, I was in charge with the dirty work due to my brothers incompetence.

Lindsay, was not a very nice girl. I think her false eyelashes were putting too much pressure of her pea sized brain, she was actually becoming the girl she had fspent years convincing everyone she was. My friends and I, call her large-dsy because everything on her is big; eyelashes, boobs bum... do I need to go on?

I'm Mackenzie by the way, Mackenzie Connor.

My family is kind of big. There's my dad, Oliver my oldest brother, Jay the second oldest, Max the third oldest except were more like twins. Then theres Tom and Tyrone the younger twin brothers, and finally me. Yes I'm a girl, and yes I have 2 older brothers and 2 younger ones.

The brother I was talking about previously was max. He's 17 and he is the lady's man. If he hasn't got a girl on his arm then he is slumped on the couch playing his Xbox moping around like the world around him was about to come crashing down, but i suppose to him it was.

My oldest brother, Oliver, is 19 and is a goody two shoes. He's all about A star grades and getting the best in life, and that's good, but he doesn't ever go out with mates. He's a bit of a loner, to be honest. But whatever floats your boat, i guess. I'm surprised that he isn't off at university or something, becoming the next prime minister.

Jay is 18 and is the most protective of them all. He always knows what I'm doing and has to get involved when he thinks I'm going to be getting into trouble. It's so suffocating, he doesn't let me find out things for myself, but tries to protect me before I can experience anything. He doesn't live with us though, but he likes to pay us surprise visits!

Tom and Tyrone are your typical 8 year old twin boys. There's not much to explain about them, other than the fact that they are Identical twins and they are my brothers. Simple as! They are also basically my dads favourites, as he can still tell them what to do and has a form of control over them. The rest of us? well, dad tries and fails at that role.

Then there's me i'm 15 and the only girl!

My mum died 2 months after the twins were born. It's sad but I was only 7 and even though I miss a female figure, my dad and brothers are there for me. It sounds weird it's a lot easier talking to max than it is talking to any of my friends. I guess he really is like my twin, even though were aren't the same age and he likes to remind me of our minimalistic age gap every chance that he gets.

Anyway getting back to the point of which I originally started from; I was in charge of the dirty work.

That Lindsay was a real piece of work, never listened, just like Max which is probably why they were together for so long. I think in the end I went over it about 6 times before she understood that Max was breaking up with her. She really is living up to the air head title that Jay gave her all them years ago, i don't know how Max put up with her for so long - or the other way around really.

Finally she understood what i was trying to tell her, and she didn't give me any time to say my goodbyes as she cut the line dead before i could say anymore. I did hear the faintest of voice cracks before she said 'okay, which told me she wasn't expecting the news i gave her.

Max never had the balls to do any of this. 


30/05/2017 - just rewrote this chapter, even though i wrote it 4 years ago. I'm going to improve on all the bad bits in this story, without changing the story line. 

remember this is my first book and its a little iffy here and there, be patient. it gets better. 




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