Chapter 26: fights. arguments. truth and love.

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oh shit. it was out. the secret I had kept from everyone for 2 years was out.

I know what your thinking. if carter left when I was thirteen, how did I lose my virginity to him at 14? well....

basically, I turned 14 and he turned 16. on the same day... I went to see him at his new house, secretly to wish him a happy 16th and I ended up staying there. it just happened and I'm not going to lie, I enjoyed it. I know your all going to be cringing. I feel like I'm in some damn Hollywood film that's too cringy for its own good. but its true. carter was my first. carter took my virginity. but Jessie, is my baby daddy.

I didn't know what to do, I was just standing there. Jessie infront to the right, jay infront to the left. and carter standing behind me. everyone staring awkwardly at eachother. everything was just.... awkward.

"I-uh..." Jessie started "uh.."

"so you tried to fucking kill my sister then you actually fuck her?" jay said, rather calmly.

"well, this is an eventful sunday morning" Jessie said taking a step back.

"Jessie shutup" jay whispered to Jessie who was now leaning against the wall.

"you two weren't even dating!" jay said throwing his hands into the air but then abruptly turned to look at me "were you?"

"no" I said quietly

"then why the fuck did you have fucking sex?"

I didn't know how to answer so I didn't I just stood there. it was quiet until..

"it just happened. my 16th birthday, her 14th. we have no feelings for eachother, it just happened" carter said as he took a step closer to me.

"nuh uh step away from her" jay said protectively.

carter stood back with his hands raised.

"Mackenzie?" Jessie said looking at me.

"what?" I asked.

he didn't answer but just stood there looking at me. I think he was lost for words. he just stood there, literally. standing there. doing nothing. leaning against the wall. hashtag awkward.

"Jessie?" jay asked and Jessie looked at him. "what was you going to say?"

"I don't know what to say"

"Jess-" I started

"Jessie, it's not her fault. I'm sorry for turning up and just imposing on your life, it was wrong of me. I'm sorry"

"so you should be you prick!" Jessie shouted.

"Jessie!" I said astonished at his sudden outburst.

"how about we leave these two to it for a bit jay?" carter suggested walking out of the room.

once they had left I turned around to say something to Jessie who I thought was leaning against the wall but I came face to ...chest?

"j-whoa, uh.." I said looking up to his eyes.

he didn't say anything he just grabbed my face and pulled me into a passionate kiss.

"I don't care when you lost your virginity. I don't care who to. I'm here now. but i dont like him. and he wont ever lay a finger on you again" he said before kissing me again. he picked me up and wrapped my legs around him. he fell on the bed, carefully placing me down. he was laying on top of me and we was kissing.

"Jessie I'm sorr-" I started to say but he brought his finger to my lips.

"I told you, I dont care about him or what you done. I just care about us. you me and kaylah. I love you Mack"

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