Chapter 19: forgiven?

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max and I hadn't spoken in a while and it was killing me. me and max are like 2 peas in a pod and we were always together. like long lost twins I suppose, and its like ive lost a part of me, as crazy as that sounds.

"Mack, hurry up. The films starting and im not going back" Oli shouted from the living room. I walked back in, popcorn and drinks in hand, handing him one.

"Ill just wait on you, shall i." I mocked.

"You're not that heavily pregnant yet, you can still wait on me" he laughed. "Max, you watching or not?"

Max walked to the threshold, but caught sight of me and walked the other way.

I rolled my eyes, "guess he still dont wanna talk to me"

"You haven't spoken this whole time?" Oli asked, shocked. "Not once?"

"nope, not once. I dont know what his problem is anymore, I cant go back in time!" I say pointing to my belly. I was now 5 months gone, which meant it had been 5 months since Max had wanted to be within a meter of me.

"Its hard for him, your like his twin. imagine seeing your little sister get pregnant, you'd be mad. Anyways, you know max and jay have this overly protective gene when it comes to you"

"Oh, you dont have said gene, then?" I laughed, "good to know you couldn't at less whether I'm dragged into a ditch or not"

"Of course id care, i just wouldn't go after the person who dragged you there or stop you from going in the first place"

"Fair enough - they can be suffocating"

"But you still do things to annoy them, thought you would have learnt by now" he joked.

"Oh yeah, ill stop living so they can sleep at night. Sounds perfect"

"Hmm" he said, rolling his eyes. "Max will come around, give him time. He wont be able to put the baby down when she gets here"

"She?" I asked, "why do you think its a she?"

"Gut feeling" he winked, pressing play on the remote. The opening credits to Juno started up, and i laughed.

"Really? Juno?" He smiled, :i do not look like Juno! I'm not that big yet"

"Yet" he laughed, "you will be soon"

"Whatever" i said, putting a pillow over my protruding stomach.


After the film had finished, and i had woken up from my nap, i went upstairs to take a shower and get ready for bed. Afterwards, i walked downstairs earphones in, with my music cranked all the way up, I wasn't aware of the world around me. I walked into the kitchen, completely oblivious to the body sitting at the breakfast bar. I wander to the fridge, grabbing some chocolate cookies and milk.

I gasped as i turned around the figure coming into view. i let go of the milk which landed on my foot. "Shit, ouch!" I shouted holding my foot. I huffed, picking up the milk and cookies and placing them onto the side.

"Are you alright Mack?" I say impersonating Max's voice. "fine thanks, just got shit scared and dropped a full carton of milk on my foot, no biggy!"

he doesn't say anything, just stares at me.

"Ill talk to myself then" I say turning around and walking to the cupboard where we keep the cups.

"chill out" a muffled voice says from behind me. "It cant be good for the baby" the voice gets louder until it is just behind me. I turn around and end up facing a chest covered in a grey shirt. I look up and see a very smug looking max.

I hug him, finally relieved that he was talking to me. he pulls away slightly, then hugs me back.

"Dude, let go, this hug is not comfortable. your too fat" he says causing me to laugh.

"Gee, thanks. What is it with people calling me fat today? 4 months and ill be skinny again"

"Mhm" he mumbles walking out.


3 months later.

I lay there, sleeping my heart away. dreaming sweet dreams when...

"huuh" I gasp, frantically sitting up. "Oh my god... no! not now! you have 1 month to go....." I whisper to my self. "Oooooh!" I shout causing max to run in.

"Whats wrong?"

"The-" I started "ow!" I cut my self off because of the contraction "i think I'm going into labour" I said causing Max's eyes to widen. he runs to my side, picking me up like a baby and trekked downstairs calling Oli and Jay as he did.

Dad and the twins weren't home tonight, so they wouldnt be coming to the hospital. Not that i think dad would have wanted to.

olli ran downstairs and started the car whilst jay grabbed some things that I would need.

once we arrived at the hospital, I was immediately taken into a ward. my baby's birth was very fast and sort of pain free- sort of. and before I knew it, my beautiful baby girl was in my arms.

"have you thought of any names?" the nurse asked, smiling.

"yeah. We decided on Kayla" I said, my smile reaching my ears.

Jessie runs in, panting. when he sees that Kayla is already born, a look of disappointment floods his face.

"I missed her birth?"

"You did, she was in no mood to wait." I said, raising my arms so he could see her.

he laughs at this and comes to kiss my forehead. He puts his hand around her small frame, cupping my hand. He laced his fingers with mine, leaning into me. "She's beautiful, Mack"

"Dude, are you crying?" Jay said, from the end of the bed.

"Shut up" Jessie chuckled, "have you seen her? You'll shed a tear or two, shes perfect"

Jay walked over, Max in tow, and looked at Kayla. We all stared at her sleeping self, in complete silence, in awe of her beauty.

"You two done good" Max said, his eyes not moving from Kayla.

"We did" Jessie said, kissing my head once again.

Our little family


awwww. what a cute chapter.

i know what your all thinking, 5months went by in the beginning of 1 chapter and 3 went by in the end.

but seriously, pregnancies are boring to write about, so i thought id skip a few months so that the story could keep flowing and continue to get better with Kayla in the picture!


enjoy reading!


LilChickaa xox

Re-edited: Nov 18

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