Chapter 15: holiday

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we had sat on the plane for 9 hours and i was so fidgety. One thing people never mention about holidays is the agonisingly long plane ride that makes everything ache.
Once we'd gotten off the plane and were in the airport, I felt a sigh of relief. 4 weeks in the sunny and hot Florida, with my large but great family! could it get any better?

I mean, it could - Jessie could be here with me.

I found my case and grabbed it off the conveyer belt, going to stand with max who had already found his. We found our taxi and climbed in, getting ready to go to our villa which i found out dad had brought. I looked at my phone, ready to turn it off when i saw i had a text from Jessie.

sorry couldn't come and say bye, i fell asleep. see you when you get back - Jess

I couldn't help but smile, I turned my phone off and ran up to my room, I had the medium sized room, with a balcony and my own bathroom, because I was the only girl. besides Lucy who was obviously sharing with dad. 

I didn't even bother unpacking my case, i just wanted to get in that pool! I quickly got changed into my swim suit and ran directly to the pool, jumping straight in.  I was soon joined by the boys, and we stayed in the pool for the whole afternoon.

Dad had made burgers for dinner, giving us a reason to get out of the pool for the first time today. we all sat together around the garden table, just eating and talking and i have to say it was nice. Lucy sat with us, respectfully letting us talk as if she didn't know when she could join in. we sat there and laughed, enjoying the heat and just being together and happy, which is a rare thing in this family.

After dinner, we went upstairs and showered, getting ready for the night.  I got changed into my high waisted dark blue, studded around the pocket shorts with a oversized t-shirt and vans. Jay, Max and i were planning on going into the town tonight. We went and had a look around, found a strip and the beach, but came back after about a hour or so, tiredness overtaking our need to look around.

Jay had given me a piggy back all the way home because i was tired, and we walked in on Dad and Lucy getting heated in the living room.

"Oh my goodness, get a room!" I said standing directly behind them.

"Oh, wow" jay laughed, "thats disgusting" he said standing behind me. max just chuckled and walked to the kitchen.

"you can talk Mack!" dad said immediately making my face blush, and words escape my mouth.

"difference is, shes 15, your 35! that's disgusting!" jay said making me smile internally.

"Exactly 15, too young for all that love shit" dad said.

"I'm legal to have sex tomorrow!!" I stated.

"whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a minute" Jay said, his attention quickly falling from my dad and landing on me.

"Nope. We are not having the sex talk. No way" i said, turning and walking away.

"Mack, wait a second!" jay said, following me.

I chuckled, "Jay, drop it. We are not having this moment right now"

We were chilling on the balcony, listening to music and talking. My attention was stolen by my phone which lit up with a message.

happy birthday, i love you. - Jess

He loves me.


I was woken up at 9 the next morning by a singing set of brothers.

"Happy 16th, Mack" tom and Tyrone said in unison.

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