Chapter 16: holiday over

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I packed up the last bits of what I was taking home with me. I decided to leave some of the clothing I wouldn't miss here so I didn't have to pack as much next time. I zipped up my case and lugged it down the spiral stair case, then went upstairs to pack the essentials into my duffel bag carry on before going downstairs to the taxi.

Lucy and I hadn't spoken since the argument 3 weeks ago, but we never really spoke anyway. dad and I had exchanged a few words but not much, I wasn't even angry at him, but i knew our relationship will never be the same.

the plane ride went quite fast, and before I knew it we were in the taxi on the way back home. jay was going to stay with us for a while which I was happy about, we were getting on really well lately and I wanted him to stay with us - he acted as a buffer between me and dad.

once we were home, I took my case and duffel upstairs. I looked at my room and couldn't help but compare it to my Florida room. Looking around, it felt like I hadn't been here in so long, things were the same but i guess they weren't...

I ran downstairs and out if the door, ignoring jays questions to where I was going. I ran straight to Jessie's house and knocked on the door. it was 7:00pm and his mum was in her pyjamas when she answered the door. 

"Hi, is Jessie home?" I said, barely giving her time to register who was at the door.

"he is, go on up."

I ran upstairs and straight into his room, he was lying on his bed in his tracksuit bottoms, and no shirt. He hadn't seen me yet, so i stood there and just looked at him. I realised now how much i had missed him since id been gone, I didn't think I would but my goodness was it good to be home.

I jumped on top of him and clearly startled him, but when he realised who I was he sat up and then stood, picking me up with him. He squeezed me tightly into his bare chest, we pulled our heads back and he stared into my eyes. My heart literally fluttered.

"I missed you so much!" Jessie said, still staring into my eyes.

"I missed you, too" i said, smiling.

he put me down, his eyes not once leaving mine.  I looked up to him and he pulled me into the most passionate and hungry kiss I had ever felt. His hands were on both my cheeks, and i felt as if he was pulling me closer and closer with every second, if that was even possible. He bit my bottom lip softly asking for entrance, I opened my mouth and his tongue found mine. We were in sync and it felt so good to be back with him, I truly had missed him, with all my heart.

when we finally broke apart, because we are humans and need to breathe, he spoke in the most sexiest voice ever

"you look so beautiful with a tan, more beautiful than usual. Mackenzie Connor, I'm so glad you're home"

When he said this, a strong blush crept up my cheeks and i looked down to try and hide it. He laid down on his bed and put his arm up, silently asking me to come and lay with him. I fell into him, laying my head next to his on the pillow. I put one leg over his and my hand on his chest. He looked at me, and leant down to kiss me. This time the kiss was slow, detailed... like we had all the time in the world. He deepened the kiss, and i had no trouble keeping up. We laid there, wrapped up in each other, kissing for a while, just enjoying being this close to each other. Then he spun us, so he was hovering over me. He started to shower me with kisses, starting on my cheeks, making his way down my neck where he slowed, biting and kissing certain spots. My heart was racing with anticipation, I didn't know what he was going to do next but i loved finding out. My hands found their way into his hair - my favourite spot to put them apparently - and his hands remained either side of my hips, holding himself up. He stopped sucking at my neck long enough to look into my eyes.

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