Chapter 25: the argument that revealed the truth

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"Jessie please!!" I pleaded "get off him!!"

as I said this Jessie bedroom door flung open and an angry jay dived through. he took one look at the fight and his eyes reddened with anger. he pulled Jessie off of carter with ease and dropped him in the bed. he looked at carter, who by now had a cut open lip and a messed up eye.

"what the FUCK are you doing here?" jay questioned dropping carter to the floor. carter stood on his feet and was just a little smaller than jay.

"I'm back. for good" carter smirked.

"you ain't going anywhere near her" jay said gesturing to me.

"jay, stop. please" I said as I walked up to him. "not again, please"

he just looked down at me and for a minute his eyes softened, but then they went straight back to the cold, dangerous, angry ones I was used to.

"he isn't going anywhere near you, Mackenzie." I knew when jay said my full name he wasn't prepared to listen, but I'd had enough of him pushing me around. I was going to stand up to him, even if it was for someone who dumped me in the woods. no biggie.

"no jay. stop. carter is back. this is his home. whether you like it or not. carter was a right dick to me, and he could have killed me but seriously jay. let. it. go." once I'd finished I let out a breath that I hadn't realised I was holding.

"why the fuck do you care about him?" Jessie and jay said in unison.

"because--" I started to answer but couldn't think of the words to say.. I didn't know why I cared so much about him? "because he's like you jay. got in with the wrong people, made mistakes and moved on. he's like you. he reminds me of you, exept for the scary factor that you seem to have a lot lately. he's you. and I love you" I said a backed away from him and Jessie not knowing what their reactions were going to be.

"Mack" Jessie started "he could have killed you.. how would I have lived if you had gotten killed?"

"you didn't seem to care when you threatened her" carter said stepping around jay and standing infront of Jessie. "you don't even seem to care about her now" carter said knowing that would anger Jessie.

"how fucking dare you?" Jessie said getting angrier "I love her, carter, whether you like it or not"

"really? psh, your loves is well and truly fucked up..." carter said "as for you Mackenzie, you could do so much better..." he said waking toward me.

"carter, don't" I whispered, a hint of plead in my voice.

"Mackenzie, May i meet this daughter of yours?"

"you won't go anywhere near kaylah'" Jessie said with a protective stance.

"Jessie..." I said with pleading eyes.

"no mackenzie. not happeneing!"

"I agree, not happening!" jay piped in.

"look. jay, you have a right to be angry at carter but Jessie? you dont! carter is a dickhead who has made mistakes but so have you Jessie. we weren't even talking the other day and now you think you can be so protective over me? nuh uh. not happening. carter is my friend. and if I want to talk to him I will. if I want to see him I will. hell, if I want to fuck him, I will! it's not up to you!"

"oh so now you want to fuck him?" Jessie said which made jays body clench in anger.

"I said IF I want to fuck him. IF!"

"well you clearly do, otherwise you wouldn't have said it!!"

"Jessie, for fucks sake. I don't want to fuck him. it was an example. I was using him as an example of how you cant stop him from seeing kaylah"

"you make it sound like he's the fucking dad!!"

"well he clearly isn't considering your my first, you dick!"

"how do I know that!"

"you did not just say that..."

"well? how the fuck am I supposed to know I'm your damn first? you could have fucked someone at 14 or 15 damn even 13. I wouldn't know"

"yeah Jess. I had fucking sex at 14. but do you know there's this thing called a condom. it's what you use to stop children being made, to hide the tracks. to fucking stop people from knowing you had fucking sex"

"you, what?" jay said through clenched teeth,

I had forgotten him and carter were still in the room because of my heated argument with Jessie.

"I lost my damn virginity at fucking 14" I screamed. "might as well tell the fucking world! scream it out loud." I shouted even louder.

jay didn't say anything he just stood there, in pure shock, his eyes started at nothing.

"to. who" he breathed out.

"it don't matter" I mumbled.

"I'm going to ask one more time. to. who"

"a boy from youths" I said sternly.

"and what boy might that be?"

"me" carter said. "it was me"


this one was slightly shorter than the other chapters, 853 words. 

it was still a good chapter in my eyes. i liked writing this because it was unexpected. hell, when i was writing it i thought that it was good! 


enjoy reading! 


LilChickaa xox

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