Chapter 14: Birthday surprise.

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i was walking home from school on this rainy Tuesday - alone because Jessie had a detention and I couldn't be bothered to wait for him. I was walking through the door when I heard all the chatting in the kitchen die down.

"What's going on?" I said walking in on the whole family standing there, including Jay who didn't look at me at all.

"Hello Mack. We have something to tell you." Dad said sternly. "Its your birthday on Friday... and your turning 16" He said diverting his gaze to the floor, hiding something. An emotion, I couldn't identify.

"Yeah... so what?" I asked staring at max.

"Were... GOING TO FLORIDA FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY!!" dad said smiling at me.

"WHAT? WE ARE? OH MY GOD!" I said jumping up and down. "Thank you" I whispered, hugging dad.

"You're welcome" he said hugging me back. "We leave tomorrow night!" dad said a little more enthusiastically!

"What? I haven't packed! Let alone brought anything for the trip!" I exclaimed, clearly panicking.

"I know, that's why I'm giving you £400 to go and shop during the day tomorrow." Dad said smiling at his generosity.

"But I have school?!" I said as if dad was being stupid.

"Im letting you skip, just this once!"

"yes! you saint" I said again, jumping up and down. "Who's going?"

"You, Me, your brothers and either Jessie or Lucy." Dad answered.

"I'll go and ring Jessie" even though he is in detention, he usually answers anyway.

Whilst I waited for Jessie to pick up I couldn't help but think how amazing this birthday was going to be. It was going to be a little awkward with Jay but I could look over that, and the absolutely fantastic thing was that the scars on my wrists had almost healed and were practically invisible!

"Hello!" I said as Jessie answered.

"Hi" he said.

"Look, my dad is taking the whole family on holiday for my birthday and theres one extra ticket, for either you or Lucy. Wanna come?"

"Mack, I cant. My grandad that I never see is coming down from western super mare and I can't not see him because its like the first and last time!" Jessie said disappointedly, but wearily because he wasn't sure how I was going to answer.

"Oh. Uhm... ok, that's fine. I guess ill just have to put up with Lucy!" I said slightly disappointed but tried not to show it.

"Are you sure?"

"Im sure, say hey to your grandad for me" I said trying my hardest not to show the hurt in my voice.

"Will do" He said, "how long are you going for."

"I go tomorrow evening and come back in 3-4 weeks"

"Wow, that's a long time without my girl" he said making me chuckle half-heartedly.

"Well, I guess ill see you in 4 weeks!" why was i so disappointed? it wasn't Jessie's fault.

"Yeah, I guess so" he said, sounding sad.  "ill come and see you off tomorrow"

"Ok, bye!" I said before hanging up the phone. I turned over on my bed and slammed my face into the pillow. I screamed as loud as I possibly could, letting out all my anger and hurt before I got up, straightened out my bed and went downstairs to tell my dad that his lover could come.

As I got to the kitchen my dad looked at me as if he was waiting for me to say something.

"Better ring Lucy then dad." I said grabbing the orange juice from the fridge. it was now, that i realised why i was so disappointed...

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