chapter 6: back to normal?

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It had been a month, and Jessie was back in school, and so was Danni. The group stayed the same, just without Danni or Sophie.

"Is it still not sorted between you and Danni, Jess?" Shantelle asked.

"Nah, and to be honest it's better that way."

Jess, Shantelle and I have all become really close, Lil seems to be more and more distant, and we didn't know why until this day.

"Hey, Lil, you coming?" Danni shouted and Lilly who was standing with us at the gate.

"Uhm, Yeah. Hold on!" Lil said regretfully, not looking us in the eye.

"Where you going Lil?" Shantelle asked confused.

"She's coming with us." Danni said sternly.

"Calm down Danni" Henry butted in.

"Shut up, you all tell me to calm down which only makes me angrier. Lil, Pete, Rita. Are you coming or not?"

"Wait, you all are hanging around with them as well?" Shantelle pointed out.

"Yeah..." Rita said.

"Why didn't you tell us? We wouldn't have killed you!" Jessie said.

"We just think that the argument was Mack's fault not Sophie's. It sounds bad, but we're on Sophie's side..."

"What? You think it's my fault?" I said disappointed.

Jess and Shantelle put their arms around me, which is when Max and the twins turned up.

"Everything alright here?" Max said concerned.

"No actually." I said bluntly.

"What's up?"

"All of them have suddenly ditched Mack." Shantelle said rudely.

"Why?" Max said shocked. "Lil?"

"It's her fault! All of this! Not Sophie or Danni! She got angry at Sophie, and Sophie just said what happened. It's your fault Mack."

"It's Mackenzie to you. In fact, don't talk to me, don't even say my name. Any of you. Thought I could trust you Lil to have my back at all times! No? Don't ever talk to me again." I said walking off with Jessie and Shantelle by my side and my brothers on my tail.

"You alright?" Max said alarmed.

"I'm fine, just annoyed. How dare she just leave my side like that?"

"Don't worry Mackenzie. You've always got us." Shantelle reassured me.

We walked back to my house, where I grabbed my packed bag and went to Shantelle's house to sleep over. Max walked us over there and hugged me at the door which was unusual.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"I'm sorry."


"What happened with your friends, I feel for you."

"Whoa, have you turned all sensitive? That's Oli's job, not yours" I said laughing.

"No, I just feel sorry for you."

"I don't need your pity Max, I'll be fine. I'll just have to count to ten when I see them or I think I'll try and grab her throat!"

"Yeah, control your anger. No more seclusions"

"Alright bye." I said hugging him quickly then sprinting upstairs to Shantelle's massive loft room!

Most of the group was still here. Only Rita, Lil, Sophie, Pete and Danni had gone, that left us with Jessie, Shantelle, Nathan, Henry Jay and Lauren. Lauren and Jay were dating, and a little distant, but not because they were with Sophie and them but because they wanted to have 'alone time' which didn't bother us, we didn't really want them being all mushy around us!

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