chapter 5: seclusion and exclusion

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"Hello?" I said answering the phone.

"Hi, what time did you say?" Jessie said to me.

"I finish at 4"

"I'll be there"

"See you then" i said hanging up.

Jessie was excluded for 1 month, and I had just started my seclusion. Jessie came to school everyday and walk me home, or sometimes we'd go out. It was my third day in seclusion and each day was getting longer. all day everyday was spent staring at a whit wall in a room that had to be silent, or you'd be looking at more days in this hell hole. I was allegedly supposed to be doing work but that never happened; the wall had been doodled on over the years, and some of the things were quite interesting. I'd switch desks and read all the different notes and laugh to myself. it passed the time!

The school bell sounded and it was the damn best thing i had heard all day, i swear i look forward to it from the minute i walk into this room in the morning.

i walked out to the gate at the front of the school, where a very handsome boy in a leather jacket was standing waiting for me.

"Hello there" I said smiling.

"Hey you alright?" Jessie replied.

"I'm good; it's nice to see light. You?"

"Yeah I'm alright, where do you want to go?"

"Back to mine? Im quite tired, and I have a bunch of new horror movies to watch!"

"Sounds like a plan!"

Jessie and I wandered back to my house just talking about everything and nothing; thats what i love about us - we can literally just be ourselves around each other and nothing gets awkward or anything.

When we arrived at my house, Tom and Tyrone answered the door.

"JESSIE!" they shouted excitedly.

"Hello Boys, you ok?" he said smiling.

"We are now, haven't seen you in ages!"

"i stayed here the other night" Jessie laughed.

"Alright boys, leave him alone." I said laughing. "Coming Jess?" i said walking upstairs.

"yeah" he followed.

Jessie and I crashed on my bed. I had my own room, but Max shared with Oliver and the twins shared too.

"Mack, where's my maths exercise folder?" Oliver said walking in to my room.

"I don't know Oli, have you checked the school draw downstairs?"

"Yeah, oh well it don't matter, what you two up to?" Oliver said with a cheeky grin, clearly insinuating something other than what we were actually doing - watching films.

"Nothing much, just watching a few horrors." I said giving him a pointed look.

"Watch out Mack, Jessie might try the move on you!" He said as he started to laugh.

"Shut up Oli, and get out!" I shouted throwing a pillow in a playful way.

Jessie and I watched 3 horror films before dinner, Jessie was staying over tonight, although I have school tomorrow and he didn't, he agreed to walk me there and meet me after. Gentlemanly, huh!


Tonight we were having chicken and chips, and dad makes the best chicken and chips going, he is actually a really good chef, but he doesn't cook much because he's hardly ever home. You see dad works every night until 10 o'clock just so he can have the weekend off to spend with Lucy. He leaves at 6 in the morning and gets home at like 10:30; I don't even think he knows I'm in seclusion! Normally Oliver will cook for us, we'll pretty much have the same thing, and we told dad that so now he leaves, money for take out.

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