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I don't own I See Fire
Last updated: 8/17/19
Originally published: early 2016

"Should we find Leo?" Percy addressed
to everyone. "He never been out of the engine room at all and the engine been fixed yesterday."

"You're right," said Piper, "Why would he be in there? He's not usually holed up in there the whole entire time." Everyone shrugged except Annabeth, who thought to herself for a minute until she spoke up.

"I don't know why he might be in there still," She said, "We should check on him." The others agreed, their own curiosity clawing at them.

"What might be be doing there?" Said Hazel, holding Frank's arm as they went down.

"I don't know Hazel." said Jason.

Annabeth stopped in her place and whispered, "Do... you hear that?" Everyone was confused for a second until they heard a faint humming. It was soft, hardly heard.

Percy tipped toed over and gently opened the door to allow the others to hear better.

"...Oh, should my people fall
Then surely I'll do the same
Confined in mountain halls
We got too close to the flame

"Calling out father oh
Hold fast and we will
Watch the flames burn auburn on
The mountain side
Desolation comes upon the sky

Now I see fire
Inside the mountain
I see fire
Burning the trees
I see fire
Hollowing souls
I see fire
Blood in the breeze
And I hope that you remember me

And if the night is burning
I will cover my eyes
For if the dark returns
Then my brothers will die
And as the sky is falling down
It crashed into this lonely town
And with that shadow upon the ground
I hear my people screaming out

Now I see fire
Inside the mountains
I see fire
Burning the trees
I see fire
Hollowing souls
I see fire
Blood in the breeze—"

There was a slight creek which snapped Leo out of his haze. He blushed a bright red.

"Oh," Leo said, awkwardly. "Uhm, How—How, long were you there heh."

"Long enough," Said Annabeth, opening the door. "We wanted to check up on you." Leo was on the floor with a pencil and papers with him, there were many things from doodles to scrawls of writing randomly throughout.

"Yeah you didn't come out all day." Hazel added on.

"I didn't know you had such a good singing voice Leo." Said Jason, who stood by the door frame whereas the others went into Leo's workspace. Piper and Hazel nodded, with the latter smiling at Leo politely.

"My Mamá used to sing with me a lot, I just picked it up." Leo mumbled. Then, he stood up. "WELL! That was a sensational conversation I hope we can chat soon but I am well ol' busy so bye!!" He pushed them out the door, and then slamming it in all their.

They all sat in silent until...

"So... what's he doing in there anyway?"

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