Dying Inside

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Originally written: August 4, 2016
Re-written: December 11, 2018

Why did 2016 write so much OOC angst? Dear lord... lmao.

Sometimes, Leo was sad.

Of course, not often he felt a burning hole in his soul from scars of pain, as if he were dying.

Calypso approached him that morning, explaining guiltily she would like to break up. She explained that, she no longer wanted to lead him on after realizing... she didn't really love him anymore. She cried that morning. Begging him to forgive her. Leo, even if he was welling up with tears, made a joke.

They both knew he meant he forgave her. Both what one didn't know, ones heart broke apart.

Leo misses his mom. Of course, how could you not miss the person who cared about you the most?

He still remembers the burning embers. The tears running down his face and the flashing red and blue lights.

She died that day. Today was the anniversary.

Two losses.


Leo didn't wanna get up. Do anything. Maybe cry.

Honestly, when I'm rewriting I try to keep the original plot of the Drabble. I didn't do that this time, it didn't exactly make much sense haha ^^.

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