Leo x Reader | A Drink

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A/N: This is my first time making an x reader. Im not a fan of them but a lot of you people liked them so... Also sorry if Leo is OOC, I haven't been involved in the PJO/HOO fandom or anything anymore but I'm trying


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   The party was loud, way too loud for a party in your opinion. The children under 15 were ushered somewhere, but by the loud talking in the campfire, they didn't seem to mind after awhile.
     In the Dionysus cabin, you walked in. Courtesy of the invite from Leo Valdez, who returned with Calypso saying they were just friends because Calypso wanted to travel the world, while Leo preferred to wanting to be at camp with Piper and the rest of the seven.
      Beer, wine, and all kinds of alcoholic drinks flowed around the campers. Though some kids were drinking underage, many people forgot that.

(Geez, sorry for your first hangover children, rip)

       The party started off wild, you thought as you searched for Leo, the only person you would know what at the party hence your friends didn't want to come, saying they rather hang out with the children.
      "Y/N!" Cried Leo, you turning around as quick as you can and spotting him on a couch someone had brought in. The bunk beds were moved into the front so there was room for the campers to file in. They added couches... and was that a pile of trash-bins?? Lets not talk about that, its already starting to smell like barf. You walked to him.
       "Y/N! Y/N/N (your nick name if u have one) how are you? Isn't the party great?" Leo said, a light blush dusting his face. He wasn't drunk. He told you a few days ago he doesn't drink, he whispered it will make him fat, and laughed. But your not that sure. But you guess he was more drunk on the festivities than actual alcohol.
     "Yeah... its pretty great I guess" You start, then quickly add "How did Chiron even allow this? Especially when he's gone???" Leo just laughed but shrugged. You grinned and grabbed a drink.
————————Hours Later———————
As you drank your mind went blank. Your words gotten slurred.
"LEOLEOLEOLEOLEOOOO" You laughed as you ducked your head onto his lap, earning a little 'oof' from him and a blush.
"You had a little too much Y/N" Leo jokes.
    "Haha... greeeeaaaatt" You chuckle, suddenly being light headed. "Your cute actually. Really pretty too" You flirt shamelessly, you probably won't remember this anyway.
      "What?" Leo squeaks and looks at you with a red flush. You chuckle and kiss him.
      "That's cute" You say, but tiredness takes over and you promptly pass out. And Leo leaves the party.
————————The Morning———————
      Chiron was angry, like oh geez. He made the campers at the party clean and overall just feel terrible. Especially with the hangovers.
      Over course, you drank too much. You can't remember a zip of last night. But you faintly remember warm lips meeting yours for a second.
       "Hey Y/N" You hear a voice say, you turn around to see Leo awkwardly walking over to you. You flash a weak smile and said hi in the most cheery voice you can manage. "About last night..." Leo trailed off, leaving you confused, what about last night? What happened?
       "What about it?" You ask, noticing how his face fell. "Its, nothing Y/N... nothing for you to worry about" Leo says, before he turns to leave, you grab his arm, he flinches and turns to look at you.
       "Leo, in your friend. I may not remember but I want to know, what about the party?" You pry. You noticed how his face fell when you told him you don't remember the party, but why though?
        Leo takes a deep breath he says hastily "Youkindofgottendrunkandcalledmeprettyandcuteandthenyoukissedmeandpassedoutandididntknowwhattodosoifreakedoutsortofimsorry" You blink, you caught it barely. You feel your cheeks flush. You, would never admit that. But you know when your drunk your shameless.
         Leo looks away "I get if you don't like me, but I do. You don't need to talk to me again." You unexpectedly barked out a laugh. You looked at him with what it looked like: love. He was looking at you the same way. You rush forward for a kiss.
       You don't regret getting a little much to drink at the party.

*Cracks knuckles* I'm getting to old for this lol. Hope you enjoyed

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