PerLeo (requested)

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Originally Written: September 29, 2017

Rewritten: April 12, 2020

This is probably last on my list to remaster, but I don't feel like touching the really bad ones just yet... Give me a whole year or two haha. I'm certain that everyone is a least a little bit out of character, but I don't really have the patience to go on their wiki and fix it or something of the sort.


It wasn't a shock that Calypso and Leo broke up. The dampen in their relationship during traveling with Apollo made it too hard, and they broke up on good terms. They still do stay with Josephine and Hermithea, but Leo went back to Camp Half-Blood during the summer and occasionally near the holidays. It ended with bittersweet words and sad smiles, but it was only for the best. They both couldn't look each other in the eyes for a while with regrets, but eventually, they recovered, remaining good friends.

What was a shock, however, was the breakup between Percy and Annabeth. Percy Jackson came out as bisexual, which ended with the support of most people in the camp, including Annabeth. They still were together for a while until things finally reached the climax. Before they went to college, Annabeth decided they needed to talk where their relationship was going. After tears were shed, and sad acceptance, they decided to split. Romance turned platonic.

A few months later, Percy sat on his bed, boredly watching the clock next to him tik by at a slow pace. His mind dashed between random thoughts until he thought of Leo. He thought of Leo a lot, actually. those cute smiles, awkward jokes and the warm feeling of butterflies that always crept up.

Annabeth, who was reading at the time, looked up expectantly and said, "You like him?"


"It's a bit obvious, I'm surprised Leo doesn't know yet."


Getting together was.... interesting to say the very least.

Awkward pining, occasional watching from both sides (or as Piper dubbed, stalking), and long chats that always ended with red faces after getting a little too close. With a little push from Annabeth. They had their first kiss at Christmas.

And that's where our story begins.

"Merry Christmas!" The Halfbloods cheered, stray from the others who didn't, but it was fine. Though none believed in Christianity for obvious reasons, a pointless celebration was fun. A sad-looking Christmas tree sat in the field, dubbed Thalia junior, was lit up with colorful lights. It was calm, no evil prophecy, no monsters to fight right now. All they did was have a good time. Even Nico couldn't help but smile a bit as he sat near Will Solace.

Devious Aphrodite children giggled as they ran around putting mistletoes around camp, hoping no one would stop their antics.

"Hey Piper, wait! I got a question for you," Annabeth said, slowing slightly when Piper slowed to a stop and turned to look at Annabeth. Piper looked at Jason, saying something Annabeth couldn't hear before jogging over with a grin. Jason turned and continued to walk away.

"Hey what's up Annabeth? Do you need anything?" She said, putting her hands to her hips. Annabeth nodded, strands of blonde hair slightly slipping from her ponytail.

"Actually I thought it was best to come to you about it," Annabeth said.

"Is it about Percy and Leo?" she asked, a smirk adorning her features. Annabeth just nodded. "I knew it, now let's go, Jason can wait."

"Hey, wait were we going?" Annabeth said, being pulled by Piper as they went to the Aphrodite cabin.

"To the Aphrodite Cabin," Piper stated like it was obvious. "Right now, none of my siblings are in there right now so we can chat privately." Slowly they got to the Cabin and walked in. The cabin was decorated in mistletoe and candy canes. Piper took down the mistletoe that hanged over her bed and patted Annabeth to sit down next to her.

"So they've been pining a lot and I noticed it's been getting out of hand now because he's been lacking in his studies for college, if he's not getting in I'm about to kill him with his own kazoo," Annabeth said, putting her hands to her head, lying down casually. "So maybe if they just got together it would be easier, I mean, I don't want them pining for like, 5 years like last time." That earned a snort from Piper, who then covered her mouth in embarrassment.

"So, let's make a plan."

                                 +2 HOURS LATER+

It was nearing the time to eat. So Piper and Annabeth emerged from the Aphrodite cabin.

"Look, Piper, I actually have to go now since I have something important, but are you sure it's gonna work? It seems unintelligible." Annabeth said unconvinced.

"Annabeth! I'm the daughter of Aphrodite! Trust me, I think. Actually, let's just hope."

"So it's pretty much a 50% percent chance it'll work?"

"More like 25% but what floats your boat!" Annabeth huffed in fake annoyance and walked away, not wanting to stress out more.


Well, the rest is history. Well. Almost.

"I can't believe we have Piper to thank," Leo said, now on Percy's bed. Percy rolled on top of Leo, making him grunt and try to push him off unsuccessfully. Percy grinned and rolled off anyway.

"Wise girl helped actually, so we have to thank both of them," Percy said, holding his Kazoo up like a wand and twirling it. Leo laughed at his antics and turned to kiss him on the cheek

"Well, at least we didn't have to thank Drew or something, that would've been disastrous."

They both laughed.

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