Chapter 17 - There's A First For Everything...

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Picture of the boy in the elevator above


"So, when are we gonna tell them?" I ask just before we reach the front door to push it open.

"Tomorrow... Maybe. If you're okay with that?" He tells me, taking hold of my hands and looking longingly into my eyes. "One thing I can't wait until tomorrow for though..." I move my face closer to his so our noses are slightly touching.

"And what's that?" I whisper, with a smile on my face as I move my hands from his to around his neck and stand up on my tiptoes to level our faces a little more even though his is still a little above mine.

"This!" He informs me before taking hold of my face again and pressing his lips to mine. Tightening my arms around his neck, I pull him closer; meanwhile deepening the kiss. He presses his lips harder against mine with more than double the passion of the kiss earlier. That was soft and gentle while this is passionate and like we have been waiting an eternity for it. Well that's what it feels like for me... He moves an arm around my neck while his hand tangles in my hair. His other arm wraps tightly around my waist, pulling my body hard against his. I can't help smiling into the kiss as I lose track of time. Forgetting about all our problems, worries and everything around us, I wish that I could stay in this moment forever...

Eventually, we break away for air, resulting in resting our foreheads against each other.

"I... I love you... So much..." He whispers once he has almost caught back all of his breath.

"And I love you." I reply, opening my eyes just as he does the same. He smiles while I smile back and we untangle ourselves from each other before going inside. Luckily it looks and sounds like no one is downstairs which is fair enough because I left at around 8:00PM to go to the cliffs. Who knows how long we were!

After that, we said goodbye to each other and it was so hard to hold back the temptation to kiss him again. I managed even though my heart wanted to go for the other option; make out with his face right there, right then!

"Hey, you were out for a while. Anything happen?" Jess greets me as soon as I take a step into our room.

"No!" I answer quicker than I intended, taking a seat next to her on her bed.


"Nothing..." I repeat, more calmly this time.

"Okay don't lie to me. I know my brother asked you out." She smirks. My eyes turn to the size of frying pans as I sudden tense up. "He was gonna do it on film night but you had a panic attack and it was kinda a bad time to bring it up." She informs me, now with more of an intent and serious expression stricken across her face. I smile before Jess asks me 'that' question.

"Did you say yes?" She smiles, leaning closer to me. "I can tell by your giddy expression that you did!" She smirks.

"Yeah... Yeah I did." I smile, looking down at the blue, flower covered duvet we're both sitting on. She claps her hands together while an ear to ear smile appears on her face. Then we both climb under the covers and turn off the bedside lamps. I turn to face away from Jess and I close my eyes to fall asleep.

"He really loves you, Amber. More than I've seen him love anyone." She tells me and a smile makes its way to my lips. "Do you love him?"

"Yes, I really, really do..."

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